Tag Archives: Evangelism

Jesus: What’s In A Name? by Maxie Dunnam

Jesus: What’s In A Name? by Maxie Dunnam

We are in the midst of the Advent season. It’s Christmas time. Let’s stay with the story…at least reflect seriously a bit. 

A central figure is Joseph. He is perplexed, deeply perplexed. The woman to whom he is engaged is pregnant and he knows the baby is not his. He is wrestling with what to do. Will he expose her, making her a public example? He can’t do that; he loves her too much. He takes the only course acceptable to his conscience. He decides to divorce her quietly, privately, hoping to cause as little a ripple in the community as possible.

That decision, though it came out of the love and justice of his heart, didn’t set well. In the midnight watches and wakefulness of his wrenching heart, an angel appeared with the astounding news:

“Do not fear to take Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit; she will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for He will save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:20—23 RSV)

Jesus will be his name. It had been declared by the prophet, Isaiah, centuries before. The angel had announced it to Mary at the time of her Annunciation: “You will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High…and of his kingdom there will be no end.” (Luke 1:31-32, 33 RSV) So, the question, what’s in a name? 

You shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” That’s it and that is Good News!  Good News that is good for all time, and yet becomes good for me…you...anew when we accept this reality.

Accepting it begins with our accepting and admitting the bad news about ourselves. The bad news is that we are sinners.  We have bent, entangled ourselves against his unending kingdom. So let’s be very specific, name our common bondage and claim our deliverance:

Do you feel burdened down by  guilt? 

Have you started to realize that the guilt may be from unconfessed sins?

Do you feel pain in your heart because there is a severed relationship that needs reconciliation?

Do you feel helpless because you are held in the tenacious grip of a debilitating habit? Alcohol? Drugs? Gambling? 

Is your energy being drained because you live too close to the line of moral compromise —cheating in business? Preoccupied with sexual lusts?

Does your pride often put you in the position of thinking more highly of yourself than you ought to think, of looking down your nose at others?

Our ways are not His ways.  His goodness shines into lives lived apart from it and reveals this truth every day. We could go on and on, but you’ll have to do that personally.

Painful though the process of confession and repentance may be, the joy that comes as a result is “unspeakable and full of glory.” For the one whose birthday we are celebrating these days is JESUS. He will save us from our sins. If only we call upon his name…and what a name it is!

Life can be hard, like Joseph’s, but there remains a gift for us all to receive in the name of Jesus.

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Mutual Love Leads To Extreme Hospitality by Rob Haynes

Mutual Love Leads To Extreme Hospitality by Rob Haynes

Have you ever felt completely out of place? Have you ever been in a situation where you were in a room full of people, didn’t know how to act, and weren’t sure how to meet anyone to help you feel more at home?

Some years ago, a pastor friend of mine got married. I had met his fiancée, now wife, a few times through our work together. They had a family service in a location out of state, then a large reception at a place back home. I went to give them my congratulations. For some reason—probably related to the fact that our kids were young then—my wife couldn’t go. So, I went alone. I did so with the expectation that I would find other colleagues at the party. If so, it would not be so awkward.

When I arrived, the party, the music, and the laughter was in full swing. The venue was beautifully decorated. Many people had turned up to express their love and congratulations.  However, none of my other colleagues showed up. I only knew 2 people in the room: the Bride and the Groom.

The groom was off talking to some folks with his back to me. However, the bride caught my eye from across the crowded room. I smiled and waved and mouthed “congratulations” to her. She scanned the room and realized: I didn’t know anyone else there. Rather than ignore me and go back to her party, she made her way across the room to me and took me by the hand. She thanked me for coming. She thanked me for the card I brought. Then she took me around the room and introduced me to people. Because she knew I would be lost without her hospitality. She was sacrificing her time – on her day. The day when she had the right, and expectation, to be the center of attention. She did so just to make sure I was welcome and that I was comfortable. That’s not just hospitality. That’s extreme hospitality.

When I think about this years later, I am still struck that the bride sacrificed for me, an outsider—though one who was invited to her celebration. It also strikes me that Jesus calls his followers, the Church, His Bride. We are also commanded to show this same sort of gracious and generous hospitality.

The thirteenth chapter of the book of Hebrews begins with, “Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.” The writer ties the Christian trait of Love directly with showing hospitality to others. The reference to entertaining angels brings up the images of Abraham and Sarah entertaining the three strangers in Genesis 18. These acts of generous and gracious hospitality were certainly an amazing display of welcome to these messengers from the Lord. Even though they weren’t aware of who they were at the time, Abraham and Sarah showed them a lavish welcome.

Even though our culture is certainly very different from the times of the writing of Genesis and of Hebrews, the need for the same sort of hospitality remains. Though digital communication, distance work and school, and social media continue to permeate many parts of our daily lives there remains a deep need for human connection. The boomerang effect is happening as many people, corporations, and schools are prioritizing in-person interactions again. People still long for real community.

At the same time, and perhaps coincidentally, there has been a decline in church involvement in many parts of the world where such real community has been neglected. However, research and practical experience tell us that people who are connected to church are still interested in spiritual matters. They will want to know how to answer the big questions of life, how to find their purpose, how to serve their families, and many others. We know those questions are tugging at them because God is calling them unto Himself through his prevenient grace. The question is, who will help them find those answers?

The practice of extreme hospitality is one important part of evangelism. Who are the people near you that need to know that they are welcome? That may feel like an outsider in your church, even though they were invited. Like the bride in the opening story, are you willing to help them feel comfortable even at your own personal expense? To let them know they are a vital part of the big party? My friend saw my value, my discomfort, and that there was no way I was going to make it without her. There are many people out there in the same situation spiritually. Our job is to help them feel at home, where they belong. She did so even though it would cause her some discomfort. She deserved to be the focus of attention. Instead, she made me feel like the most important person in the room. How can you, your family, and your church help others feel this same sort of welcome?

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Our Broken Image And Pain by Lance Whorton

Our Broken Image And Pain by Lance Whorton

Pain and our ability to cope with pain are problems common to all people of all cultures. For  years, mission organizations have realized that helping people deal with physical issues opens the door to deeper discussions about Jesus. Many people have benefited from this work  worldwide.  

However, we do not always do an adequate job helping our people connect to the reality of physical pain as a spiritual issue. This leaves our people searching for answers from secular authorities. I believe the church needs to reclaim a healthy view of the spiritual aspect of pain and the struggles it causes in our people.

In my experience as both a physical therapist and pastor, individuals who identify themselves primarily as children of God are less likely to see their pain as an attack from God. Instead, like Paul, who prayed for his affliction to be healed, but was satisfied with God’s answer “my Grace is enough” people are able to live a relatively normal life despite the presence of their pain.

In contrast, those who find their identity outside of Jesus have a much different physical and  spiritual reaction. Rooting their identity in the diagnosis above their identity in Jesus, creates an existential crisis that can manifest in physical pain even though the root cause is a spiritual struggle. There is a fearful anxiety in their lives for they bear not only the physical strain, but also the deeper spiritual struggle.

The Church’s Role in Healing

The church is called to help restore the broken image of God in other’s lives. This is the first step in helping someone heal spiritually, which often leads to the alleviation of physical conditions.  

There is a great example of this in John 5. Jesus is walking to the Temple and there is a man who  has been crippled for 38 years. Jesus asks him if he wants to get well- why would he ask that? Immediately the guy makes excuses for why he cannot get into the pool, “I don’t have anyone to get me in there and someone always beats me to it.” He has identified with his condition. 

Later, when Jesus sees him again, he does not even mention the healing. Instead, Jesus asks about how he is doing and tells him not to sin anymore. Apparently, for 38 years this man harbored some spiritual condition that manifested as a physical issue. Jesus addressed the whole man. He healed his physical issues, he dealt with his emotional social need of waiting for someone to help him and then he dealt with his spiritual issues by telling him not to sin. This man’s pain was more than just being crippled, and Jesus knew it.

Healing as a Holistic Process

Healing has to address the reality of a spiritual dimension. Discussing the person’s issue through the lens of a fractured image of God can be both transformational and an invitation into deeper  conversations about their relationship with Jesus. Physical struggles lead people to ask many questions: Why Me?, Does God love Me?, etc. There are spiritual conflicts in our lives that are  often being ignored. 

Dear church and church leaders, your people are asking these questions! If you do not address it,  they will seek out the answers elsewhere. I feel the church needs a clearer voice so our people do not seek out answers from secular sources. While secular sources may alleviate physical symptoms, they cannot address the spiritual questions people are asking.

We must seek understanding of how to pray for Jesus’ complete healing while working alongside the medical system. God can and does do anything he wills. We all long for the miraculous instant miracle of healing. I have seen it many times, but I have also seen gradual healing as the person works through their spiritual blockades while working through physical healing. In this way the entire person is treated. 

Practical Steps for Addressing Pain

  • Realize that God can and does use trained professionals to aid in the healing process.  
  • God not healing someone immediately or the way they perceive healing needs to happen does not mean God has abandoned them.  
  • Ask God to reveal any underlying spiritual cause.  
  • Being made in the Image of God means we are built to be in harmony with God, the world and others. Ask God if these relationships need restoring before healing can take place.
  • Lastly (although not less important), discuss any unconfessed sin the person is harboring that is hindering their healing process.

The Transformational Power of Confession

I often ask my congregation to start writing a list of unconfessed sin during their prayer time. This may take a week or more to complete. Once there are no more sins to write down, the prayer becomes simply: God, show me anything else and then wait. When the Holy Spirit does not bring any other sins to mind, confess the sins out loud. This can be done alone with Jesus or with another trusted Christian friend. Once the confession is complete, the list is burned to represent the freeing of the sin. This is an important time of discipleship centered around forgiveness and the attacks of the enemy. Once sin is confessed, it is under the blood of Jesus and does not need not be brought up any further. People sometimes have ongoing regret about their sin issue and will want to keep confessing or reliving a confessed sin. As long as there’s no return to the sinful action, the individual needs to realize this is unnecessary.  

Restoring the Image of God

Helping someone work through the process of restoring their broken image of God is a  significant step in dealing with their pain. By including the spiritual aspect of pain, we allow the healing power of Jesus to touch all areas of their lives, bringing wholeness to their body and spirit. 

And that resulting wholeness is indeed good news to be shared.

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The Journey: A Tool For Sharing Christ by James Loftin

The Journey: A Tool For Sharing Christ by James Loftin

When we hear the word evangelism, most of us think of the ways people communicate the saving message of Jesus. Witnessing and preaching are two biblical and effective methods of evangelism. In an earlier article, I introduced a tool for this type of ministry – Words That Shine: Creating a Verbal Witness that is Effective Anywhere. If our churches were filled with disciples who were competent and confident in sharing this type of witness, we would have far more baptisms, celebrate more transformations, and send out more missionaries to the darkest corners of the earth. 

The Power of Questions and Listening in Evangelism

But the art of asking good questions and listening is also a vitally important approach to evangelism. Jesus was a superb teacher and prophet. He asks over 300 questions in the four Gospels. He realized the power of asking good questions and listening well. In Luke 24:13-35, we find the fascinating interaction between the resurrected Jesus and two men walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus. Cleopas and his friend had been following Jesus, but the crucifixion and the missing body of Jesus had rocked their world and challenged their hopes. Their hearts were heavy with disappointment. As they walked away from Jerusalem, they walked away from the other Christ followers. Perhaps they were also walking away from their faith. They may have been doing what we might call deconstructing their faith. They thought they were walking alone. 

But Jesus saw and heard them. 

At some point, he physically joined them, although without them realizing who he was. As they walked together, Jesus asked them a question –  and then another and then another. Only after listening to the comments of Cleopas and his buddy, did Jesus respond (Note that his comments were directly related to their voiced concerns). Jesus had much more he could have shared, but he stopped. He gave them the opportunity to end the discussion for the day. They chose to keep talking and their lives were changed. The resurrected Jesus used good questions and active listening to communicate life and salvation to Cleopas and his friend. As Christ followers in the twenty-first century, we should spend as much time developing our listening ministry as we do improving our ability to speak.

Introducing The Journey: A Practical Evangelism Tool

Over the past two decades, the core of my ministry has involved coaching, writing, and creating ministry tools to help families and churches more effectively share the Good News. One of these tools is The Journey. It involves the art of asking good questions and listening well. Churches, international student ministries, and missionaries are using it for God’s glory in China and across the USA.

The development of this evangelism tool began during my dissertation research on the paths people take to begin following Jesus. Over the past century, dozens of sociologists, psychologists, and missiologists – including William James, James Engel, and Bill Bright – have tried to explain the process of conversion. Many created charts to illustrate their understanding of the process. In 2008, I created a cross-cultural version, The Loftin Conversion Scale, which relies heavily on the work of James Engel. I later realized that the scale could be more than a theological or academic way to consider the process of conversion. It could be a door into the soul of a friend, a gentle question that the Holy Spirit could use to unlock honest spiritual discussions. The Journey is a one-question survey that asks a person to choose which of eight options best describes their knowledge of, attraction to, and belief in the person of Jesus. It is a tool that helps us love and serve others by asking good questions and listening with grace. Careful use of The Journey can help friends and family hear God’s call and take new steps in response.

How The Journey Works

A “tool” can be understood as a handheld (portable) device designed to help you accomplish a mission. The Journey is an evangelism tool. The core of this tool can be kept as a photo on a cell phone. This keeps the tool readily available when God opens a door for you to have a spiritual discussion with a friend. Like most tools, The Journey comes with instructions. The key to the effective use of this tool is the prayer and preparation of the witness using the tool. 

At the end of this article, I have included a full copy of The Journey and a list of instructions to help witnesses prepare to use the tool according to our calling to help people know and experience the transforming grace of Jesus. 

What might it look like for you to prayerfully use a tool like The Journey in your life? 

A Testimony of Transformation: Shu Jing’s Story

My wife Vivien and I met Shu Jing in a Bible study for Christian and pre-christian Chinese. All the participants hold PhD’s and have lived in the USA for over two decades. Shu Jing is one of the members who does not identify herself as a Christian.

Several weeks ago, we discussed The Journey in the Bible study group. As always, our Chinese friends were not hesitant to share candidly about their faith or lack thereof. Shu Jing shared that option E. Seeking was the best description of her knowledge of and belief in Jesus – “I am thinking about believing in Jesus, and I am taking steps to learn more about him.”

A few days later, Vivien and I went to her home to deliver a meal and pray with her about the chronic pain and weakness she was experiencing. After sharing a few minutes, Shu Jing changed the subject. Her energy and countenance changed immediately as she talked about something she had experienced the previous night. “In my pain and frustration, I decided I should reach out to God. I prayed. I told him that I need help. And something happened that I didn’t expect and can’t explain. God’s Spirit came to me, and I had a great sense of joy. I was not alone.” We encouraged her and prayed with her, but we were not able to stay longer due to her fatigue. It was obvious to all of us God was working.

Just last week, we followed up with Shu Jing again. She was excited to talk more about her encounter with the Holy Spirit. I then showed her The Journey picture on my phone and asked her if she would still describe her response to Jesus as Seeking. She carefully considered all eight options and replied with tears. “No. G or H are now the best descriptions of my relationship with Jesus. I have been so stubborn. I have waited so long to believe, but today I do.” Hallelujah. 

I pray that you will find ways to use The Journey to help people hear and respond to Jesus’ invitation to join the family of God. Study the user instructions. Listen well. Pray hard. Maintain the relationship no matter how the discussion unfolds. 

O how we need more passion, urgency, courage, and effective strategies to shine more brightly in the darkness! Help us Jesus.

The Journey

The Journey: Instructions

Like most new tools, The Journey comes with instructions. These suggestions come from years of experience. A wise witness will carefully and prayerfully consider these tips.

  1. The Journey is most effective when used in a relationship with people who have begun to trust you as a friend. It has been used as impromptu “street” evangelism tool, but the most helpful discussions and most tangible fruit have come when shared between friends.
  2. Introduce The Journey to your friend as an instrument created by researchers to identify the changes people make in their lives regarding values, worldview, and faith.
  3. Every journey is different. Some people may start at A and move to H in a matter of days or even hours. Others take years. For many, the feelings and actions related to one stage will overlap with the next stage. Some people may even revert to a previous stage for a season before moving forward. Don’t try to force someone’s experience into the limitations of this linear scale.
  4. You don’t have to “finish” this discussion in one sitting. Relax. This is just a discussion between friends.
  5. Be intentional about responding graciously to whatever answer or comment your friend offers. It is not helpful to them or the Kingdom if they only tell you what they think you want to hear. Accept them where they are. If they give you any response, they have given you a huge gift. They have been honest with you. And they have heard themselves “locate” their life in relation to Jesus. They won’t realize this yet, but this is the work of the Holy Spirit drawing them home.
  6. After your friend selects the option that best fits them now, you might eventually ask them where they hope to be in the future. If they are at D now, where do they want to be… and when do they think they will be there? Be prepared – your friend may be satisfied with their current knowledge/attraction and have no plans to change. If so, don’t challenge their position (or preach to them). 
  7. Ask if there are any issues that are keeping them from moving forward? For example, they might feel the need for more knowledge about the Bible or they are too busy with school or work. The point is to get them thinking. Resist the need to resolve all obstacles in this one meeting.
  8. The Journey was not designed to provide an opportunity to preach. It is primarily a tool to help you LISTEN to your friend as they honestly identify where they are and perhaps, where they hope to be someday. The Journey can be one aspect of your ongoing witness to your friend. As your relationship continues, you will have opportunities to share the Hope that is in you.
  9. You may, however, want to use the tool to share about your own journey (testimony vs preaching). After you two talk about their journey for a few minutes, you might ask if they would like to hear about your journey. Or you could begin your next meeting with something like, “Last week, we talked a bit about that survey and your journey. I thought today you might want to hear about my journey…” In this context, it is most helpful to mainly focus on the parts of your journey leading up to Christian commitment – how and why you first began to follow Jesus. Check out our resource LIGHT STORIES for help in creating brief and effective testimonies that will be better understood by people from backgrounds different from your own.
  10. Admit your own limitations. No matter how long you have been following Jesus, you too do not understand everything about God, the Bible, faith, etc. Try to answer any questions your friend has but be humble and real. Share some of your own questions – either current questions or from earlier in your journey. But graciously share what you do know: Jesus is alive and he has changed your life.
  11. If your friend has come from another country, ask them to select the option that best describes them when they first arrived in your country. Ask gentle questions for clarification. For example, if they chose C, you might ask what they knew about Jesus then and how did they learn those things.

After talking about their knowledge/attraction when they first arrived, ask them to select the option that best describes their current knowledge/attraction. Be patient and quiet. Give them time to read and think. If their current knowledge/attraction is different from their earlier choice, ask them to explain the change.

If your friend is interested in Christianity or expresses a desire to follow Jesus, try to introduce them to a believer from their own culture and language group as soon as possible. A mature believer who shares the same language will be able to pick up on issues and answers questions that other witnesses will miss or misinterpret.

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Core Convictions VI: Me? I Need To Be Saved? by Maxie Dunnam

Core Convictions VI: Me? I Need To Be Saved? by Maxie Dunnam

This is the sixth installment in Maxie’s series on Core Convictions.  You can find the first five articles here, here, here, here and here.


In previous articles, we explored the case that all need to be saved, all can be saved, all can know they are saved, and all can be saved to the uttermost. Having laid these forth, we now recognize that the big question is about salvation itself. Certainly Zacchaeus needed to be saved, Israel needed saving, and Charles Spurgeon knew he needed and sought salvation; but masses of people are thinking, maybe asking, “Me? I need to be saved?” At least a bit of that questioning may be yours.

We are exploring the dynamic of full salvation and need to stay focused on the relevance and context of our own lives. We need to keep asking whether we believe that we ourselves need saving.

The chances are that the question of the need for salvation is not a question that arises among you and your associates. It’s not even on the radar, especially for those who are educated, employed, housed, and well fed. For many, salvation has a distant, almost irrelevant ring.

What I have written about salvation may have little meaning to those who don’t feel that they need saving, but in truth, we all need to be saved. Perhaps not from the same thing, but I have never met anyone who is not in need of some dimension of the “fullness of salvation.”

To be sure, we all need “the new birth (justification), “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). But that’s the beginning. Some of us need to be saved from addictive behavior; that is, what we do to avoid feeling things. We want to avoid pain, including the feelings of low self-esteem. Our culture has led us to believe that pain is bad and discomfort is to be avoided. We seek to slice out the unpleasant pieces of life through drugs or obsessive behavior; in doing so, we become empty shells, incomplete, and broken. From this, we need to be saved.

There are the obvious addictions. Alcohol and drug abuse claim millions who need saving. Professionals call this “self-medicating” (habitually taking unprescribed, addictive substances to relieve stress or other conditions). What about overeating or obsessive physical exercise? Compulsive gambling and sex? Those could be self-medicating behaviors. In spite of our protestations, we need to be saved from all sorts of addictive behaviors, particularly those we can readily name.

As I write this, the daily national news confirms that people need to be saved from simply behaving badly. We have seemingly lost the principle of basic civility. We put ourselves first and ignore the needs and desires of others. We act as though we are all that matters, and we become mean-spirited. We see that when political discourse is reduced to shouting matches and name-calling. We may be able to excuse that on the elementary-school playground, but not online, on the floor of the Senate, the office of the President, or in our families. I don’t think I am misreading it: meanness is growing, not shrinking, and we need to be saved.

We could make the case in a lot of different ways, but what about this: Would God have expressed such great concern if we didn’t need to be saved? Would he have bothered to come among us in the flesh, in Jesus; to live, teach, and suffer and die on our behalf, if we were just fine and had no need? Who needs to be saved? Me?

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Living Good News Lives In A Bad News World by Kelcy Steele

Living Good News Lives In A Bad News World by Kelcy Steele

In a world where negative news often dominates the headlines, it can be tough yet rewarding for believers to embody the message of the Gospel in their daily lives. The gloom of the bad threatens to darken the light we are promised. Gleaning wisdom from the Good News of scripture and our traditions provide a roadmap for cultivating lives brimming with hope, caring, and strength amid challenges. 

The Bible contains verses that urge believers to have faith in God’s presence and assurances when faced with hardships. For instance, Psalm 46:5 emphasizes that “God is our sanctuary and source of strength always ready to help in times of trouble ” prompting us to seek comfort and empowerment in God when facing situations. Psalm 112:70 mentions that those who trust in the Lord will not be afraid of the coming news. These verses emphasize the significance of holding onto faith and trust, in God amidst circumstances.

Jesus’s teachings offer a guide on how to lead a fulfilling, holy life filled with hope for believers by emphasizing the importance of God’s love and grace over pessimism, through his ministry message of repentance and the arrival of the kingdom of heaven. 

John Wesley highlighted the importance of growth through the love of God in shaping character in Methodism’s foundation. According to him, true Christianity involves more than faith or deeds; it is a journey towards becoming a renewed individual in Christ marked by love, for both God and fellow humans. The idea of “holiness and happiness” as proposed by Wesley implies that a life grounded in faith brings happiness and contentment irrespective of external situations. 

This focus on holiness and happiness throughout history has yielded a dedication to justice and service. A testament to the conviction that faith should manifest itself in compassionate deeds and affectionate gestures towards others in need of comfort and support. This commitment entails aiding the ill and impoverished as well as advocating for the marginalized sectors of society; it is a tangible expression of God’s love demonstrated through practical means. The Methodist movement originated from a blend of evangelism, holiness, and societal change efforts; it serves as a blueprint for interacting with the world by demonstrating empathy through both words and actions. 

Looking at this historic wisdom for today, several values emerge:

  • Rely on God’s Assurances:  Make it a habit to immerse yourself in the wisdom of scriptures and prayer to anchor yourself in the assurances given by God’s word. 
  • Connect with the Community: Get involved in group worship and socialize with believers to deepen your faith and seek comfort in facing life’s obstacles together. 
  • Engage in community service and social justice activities: This echoes the value of serving others with love and spreading hope to those facing challenges. 
  • Foster Inner Change: We must prioritize our journey with the Holy Spirit and develop our character traits through holiness.  This includes aiming for purity and joy by strengthening our bond with the divine and embodying the fundamental principles of devotion to God and compassion towards others. 
  • Joyfully Share the Good News: We spread the word of tidings just as the first followers did by actively, joyfully spreading the message of optimism and salvation that comes from Christ. 

Living by these values enables believers to lead fulfilling lives that not endure the challenges of the world but also radiate as symbols of hope and love – embodying the profound impact of the Gospel.

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How 1% Changes Everything by Ben Birdsong

How 1% Changes Everything by Ben Birdsong

For two weeks this summer, the world’s eyes were on Paris for the Olympic Games. Viewers cheered for their countries and stood in amazement at the skills of some of the best athletes in the world. Through the media we were connected to an important city in the middle of the European continent—a place that needs Jesus more than we often realize.

The Reality of Post-Christian Europe

For every 100 French faces you may have seen on your screen, only 1 of those people was a committed Christian. France, like most of Europe, is a post-Christian culture. To be post-Christian means that a group has moved beyond Christianity and lost the gospel message. The biblical images we frequently encounter, such as the story of David and Goliath, the Golden Rule, and the 10 Commandments, have been forgotten. 

More critical than biblical imagery, the gospel has been forgotten. The church has failed to reach the next generation, leading to a culture and continent where churches have become museums, and the movement of God through His church has vastly been reduced to stories from history.

The continent where Luther nailed the 95 Theses to the Whittenburg Chapel and the places where the Wesley brothers ignited the Methodist movement was a place where the gospel’s message was proclaimed to the broader world. This place of God’s past movement needs to be reignited with the Holy Spirit and move of God again. With a total of 2.9% committed Christians for the European continent, the need is on a continental scale. 

We face another missional challenge as the global church rushes to unreached places. Post-Christian places must be reignited with the flame of gospel movement, where the passage of time and cultural shifts have caused them to decline. We must set our hearts, prayers, and mission resources again in places like Europe.

A Personal Call to Action

God used these numbers to rock my own life and change my direction. After 3.5 years of serving as a missions pastor in a Methodist Church, God led me to step away from the comfort and safety of local church ministry into the world of Europe. 

In the spring of 2024, these figures first introduced me to the depth of the need in Europe. I had been to Europe several times, and on each trip, I found myself standing in an ornate cathedral, wondering where the church was and what impact this building actually had on the world. But through the simple numbers, God began to lead me to see how I could leverage my life to help see a gospel movement begin in Europe again.

Seeing a gospel movement and revival in the local churches of Europe became my hope. The global church could come together in prayer seeking the Holy Spirit to stir His church to engage the continent of Europe once again. My own prayers for Europe led me to take my own step of faith into one crucial place for ministry – the next generation.

Since post-Christianity is ultimately due to a failure to reach the next generation with the gospel and to see them come to live their faith and share Jesus with others, I knew that helping the church engage the next generation would be essential to see gospel movements begin again. God led me to the ministry of First Priority Global to be my place of engagement with the great gospel need of Europe. I knew that I had to leverage my own life to engage as a full time missionary to see change come to the European continent.

A Challenge to the Global Church

Looking back on the journey of the last few months, God used simple statistics to change my direction. When we think about mission needs, it is easy for our eyes to glaze over, but needs are meant to call us to action. 

The world engaged with France and Europe for the two weeks of the Olympic Games. What would it look like if the church was willing to engage with Europe? Could we see statistics reversed? Could we see post-Christianity become the story of past history? Could we see the next generation engage with a gospel movement that changes Europe and the world again?

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Core Convictions IV: Look To Jesus And Be Saved by Maxie Dunnam

Core Convictions IV: Look To Jesus And Be Saved by Maxie Dunnam

This is part III of Maxie’s series on Core Convictions, you can find his prior articles here, here, and here.


I have long admired the great evangelist, Charles Spurgeon. I often wonder what it would have been like to hear him preach, He is high on any list of renowned preachers. People had to stand in line to get into worship in his church in London. The crowds were so great that sometimes he would urge the membership of his own church not to come to worship the next Sunday in order that there would be room for seekers, those who had not yet received the gospel for their salvation.

The Story of Spurgeon’s Salvation

It was only recently that I heard the story of Spurgeon’s salvation experience. As a young man, he was deeply convicted of his sin, but did not really know how to get his sins forgiven. He began to go to different churches, seeking salvation. He later shared that he heard some fine sermons on doing good and living right, but he never really heard anybody fully preach the gospel of salvation.

One Sunday, he had planned to attend a particular church but it had snowed so much he could not get there. He was walking on an obscure street in London and came upon a little Primitive Methodist chapel he had never seen before.

He went in and sat down. Only a few people were present, without the pastor. As Spurgeon started to get up to leave, a very thin looking man, a layperson, deacon in that church, walked into the pulpit, opened his Bible and read Isaiah 45:22: “Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else” (KJV).

Spurgeon said that when the deacon finished reading the text, he lifted up both of his hands and cried out, “Look, look, look! It is only look” At that moment, after all his seeking, Spurgeon said, he finally saw the way of salvation. All he had to do was look, by faith, to Jesus Christ and he was gloriously saved.

Spurgeon’s experience suggests two critical considerations. One, all people need and many are seeking salvation. Two, the gospel is far more than “doing good and living right.” What is that “far more”?  

Justification: The Miracle of a Moment

The two pivotal dynamics of full salvation are justification and sanctification. Both are works of grace. In justification, we are pardoned and reconciled to God; the restoration of the image of God in us is begun, which is the beginning of sanctification.

Justification may be the miracle of a moment but sanctification is the process of a lifetime. As I suggested in my last article, “the dynamic process of sanctification is to work out in fact what is already true in principle. In position, in our relationship to God in Jesus Christ, we are new persons; that is justification and new birth. Now our condition, the actual life we live, must be brought into harmony with our new position. That is the process of sanctification.”

Sanctification: The Journey of a Lifetime

Justification comes when we recognize ourselves as sinners, separated from God, then repent and in faith receive his forgiveness. This is also the starting point of sanctification. As Wesley said, “It is the gate to it, the entrance to it.”

Sanctification is a continuation of our trusting God’s grace that has saved us, trusting him to shape our lives completely into the likeness of Christ.

Why not take some time now to reflect and identify the time, process, conviction, decision—whatever was involved—when, like Spurgeon, you knew and, by faith, you made some claim on Jesus Christ for your salvation.

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Ukraine: The Cry Of My Silent Neighbor by Cristian Istrate

Ukraine: The Cry Of My Silent Neighbor by Cristian Istrate

Romania is a neighbor of Ukraine, sharing about 605 km of border in the northern and southeastern regions. We have always considered Romania the quiet neighbor. Due to the communist and Soviet contexts, each country had preconceived opinions about the other. The Soviets sought to break any form of collaboration with us through various media manipulations and other means. 

The principle of “divide and conquer” was deeply embedded in the Soviet mentality. This spirit of division fosters suspicion, turning the other into an object of distrust. This approach sounds strikingly close to the weapon of the evil one: “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” (Genesis 3:1, NIV). Suspicion is what led to the separation of the primordial relationship between man and God, and this tool of unmerited doubt and suspicion has continued to lead many into “us versus them” situations. 

The Gospel is the good news that people of all races and nations share a common quality: being disciples of Christ. In God’s Kingdom, we are all His followers. There should be no separation between us, and there should not have been, but we were divided through manipulation. However, the years since the fall of the Soviets have been a balm. The relationship between Romanians and Ukrainians has transformed. 

Humanitarian Efforts: Offering Refuge and Aid

On February 24, 2022, what began as a celebration of my mother’s birthday quickly turned into one of the darkest days. That morning, the world was shaken by the devastating news that Ukraine had been attacked, plunging our neighboring country into the horrors of war. As the gravity of the situation became clear, I felt convicted. I couldn’t just stand by as a passive observer—I had to take action.

Driven by a deep sense of urgency, I began organizing a network within our ministries and churches to provide refuge for those fleeing the conflict. With the collective efforts of the Methodist Church, we successfully established a vast network of partners ready to welcome refugees. The media noticed, writing that we were the first to respond to the crisis by receiving refugees even before the Romanian state had a plan. We organized a website for people to enter their names and addresses to offer shelter in their homes. To our surprise, the response was overwhelming, and many people found refuge in the cities where our churches are active.

In my city of Sibiu, we received 28 orphans who had escaped from Kyiv, a city under relentless bombardment. These children, among the last to leave the besieged city, embarked on a perilous journey to safety. Our efforts to rescue them were fraught with challenges, including a tense 72-hour period when the children were nearly taken to an unknown destination in Italy. Thankfully, our prayers were answered, and the children safely arrived at our home. We welcomed them with open arms and messages of hope.

Evangelism and Mission Work

It was amazing how simple shelter and food could speak to their hearts and melt ours. One little girl, about five years old, one day embraced my wife with love. Then, when she saw me, she stretched out her arms wide towards me. I took her in my arms and felt an immense love for her.  God’s love was upon us. We shared the gospel with the children that night, I exclaimed, “You are God’s gift to me!” She looked right into my eyes and confidently said, “YES!” The word for “yes” is similar in both Romanian and Ukrainian. At that moment, my heart was healed of the suffering caused by the whole situation of trying to save them. It was worth it!

But this was only the beginning of our mission to love our neighbors. We also organized help for hundreds of people, with World Methodist Evangelism being one of our key partners in meeting the needs of refugees, especially children and mothers who had left behind everything, including their husbands and family members, not knowing if they would ever see them again.  Our church has expanded its efforts to provide ongoing support to Ukraine, sending aid on a weekly basis. To date, we have helped thousands of people, providing not just material support but also a message of hope in Jesus and solidarity.

In partnership with Global Hope International, we launched a project called Arms of Hope, dedicated to supporting 16 single refugee mothers and their children—more than 60 people in total—who receive help from us every month. This project is a lifeline for these families, offering not only the essentials they need to survive but also a sense of community and belonging.

A Call to Action: Spreading the Gospel in Times of Crisis

Our commitment to serving those in need extends beyond basic necessities. We have helped Ukrainian refugees find jobs, secure shelter, and access critical medical care, including surgeries. We’ve provided food aid, and recognizing the profound emotional toll of war, we’ve opened a counseling center in our church specifically for teenagers traumatized by the conflict. This center offers a safe space for young people to process their experiences and find healing.

Through all these efforts, we are guided by the belief that the Gospel is holistic—Jesus can be in everything, bringing salvation, comfort, and hope to every aspect of life. Our work is an embodiment of this belief, as we strive to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of those we serve.

We have also opened our home to refugees, forming deep personal connections along the way. One of my daughter’s closest friends is a young girl who fled the conflict. These relationships have reinforced our understanding of the profound impact of our efforts, bringing together people from different backgrounds and forging lasting bonds of friendship and support.

In addition to our humanitarian work, we have turned our attention to spiritual outreach. We have begun hosting evangelism events and are actively working on a mission-planting project, which aims to spread the message of hope and faith to communities near and far. These initiatives allow us to reach even more people, sharing the love of Christ and offering a ray of hope in these challenging times.

As we continue on this journey, we are reminded of Jesus’ commandment: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:39, NIV). This guiding principle has inspired our actions, leading us to extend our hands to those in need, knowing that through our efforts, we can make a difference in the lives of thousands.

Our mission is far from over, and we remain committed to supporting those displaced by the conflict, spreading the Gospel’s holistic message, and being a source of light in the darkness. With the help of our global partners and the unwavering support of our congregation, we will continue to offer refuge, comfort, and hope to all who seek it. 

It’s important to note that the support for Ukrainians did not come solely from us. The Romanian response, in general, was driven by evangelical churches, Orthodox churches, Catholic churches, monasteries, priests, and people from all walks of life. God healed our divisions, uniting us in a powerful spirit of compassion and solidarity throughout this suffering.

As the war in our world continues, not only in Ukraine but in other places, we, the people of the Good News, need to find practical ways to get involved. Throughout this time, we never know how the lives of people will be impacted, how people will actually receive faith in Christ, and be set free. I could spend many hours giving countless stories of how people received Jesus in the midst of trauma, war, and desperation. Jesus doesn’t stop saving people, so we should not stop preaching salvation! Let us take to heart the words of John Wesley: “You have nothing to do but to save souls; therefore spend and be spent in this work.”


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Core Convictions II: We Can Know We Are Saved by Maxie Dunnam

Core Convictions II: We Can Know We Are Saved by Maxie Dunnam

In my last article, I sought to make the case that the Christian faith is all about salvation. John Wesley summarized the goal of Christian religion: The end is, in one word, salvation.

The British Methodist historian, William B. Fitzgerald, summarized Wesley’s theology of salvation with this fourfold dictum: All people need to be saved from sin, all people may be saved from sin, all people may know they are saved from sin, and all people may be saved to the uttermost.

I will refer to these assertions as we continue our reflection on Methodist Wesleyan Core Convictions. Consider now the claim: all people may know they are saved from sin.

Wrestling with Assurance of Salvation

Early in my Christian walk, I often fell into a chasm of doubt about my personal salvation. In all my years as a pastor, this has been one of the spiritual issues with which I have seen people wrestling most: knowing they are saved from sin.

The apostle Paul knew Christians struggled with this. He wrote to them:

The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. (Romans 8:15-17 NIV)

John Wesley’s Struggle for Assurance

The founder of our Methodist Wesleyan tradition of the Christian faith, John Wesley, is a dramatic witness to this struggle of knowing and claiming salvation.

John Wesley was nurtured by his mother, Susanna, and his father, Samuel, a priest in the Church of England. In 1725, while a student at Oxford University, he had a conversion to the ideal of holy living. Few examples in history show a more disciplined religious person: he rose at 4 a.m., read the New Testament in Greek for an hour, then prayed with his brother Charles and others in what was derisively called the “Holy Club.”

He spent time visiting prisons and gave to the poor all money he received except for what was absolutely necessary for his own living. Wesley was relentlessly driven to achieve salvation and assurance, yet he remained haunted by doubt.

The Aldersgate Experience: Wesley’s Breakthrough

After much religious striving, even going to the American colonies as a missionary and feeling like a failure, Wesley experienced a breakthrough. On May 24, 1738, during a prayer meeting on Aldersgate Street in London, a layperson read Martin Luther’s preface to the Epistle to the Romans. Wesley later described the moment:

“I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone for my salvation; and an assurance was given me that He had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.”

This was the turning point for Wesley, giving him the assurance of salvation he had long sought. No wonder this became one of the four “alls” in Fitzgerald’s summary of Wesley’s understanding of salvation: all can know they are saved.

The Aldersgate experience transformed Wesley from a slave to a son. He knew that, in his words, “Christ had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.” The apostle Paul might say that Wesley “did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but the spirit of sonship that would enable him to cry, ‘Abba! Father!’” (Romans 8:15).

How Christians Can Know They Are Saved

Assurance is the privilege of all Christians. It is a gift that we must accept and embrace. This witness of assurance is continually verified in at least four ways:

  1. Repentance: We know that we’ve repented of our sins and continue to repent daily.
  2. Spiritual Growth: Assurance grows within us as we see continual changes in our lives.
  3. Character Development: Assurance is ours if we are aware of a new character being produced in us, as the fruits of the Spirit grow in our lives.
  4. Joy in Service: We find joy in the service of God, and this joy confirms our assurance.

Two Challenges to Keep Your Assurance Alive

I close with two challenges to keep your assurance alive:

  • Rejoice Daily: This day, and every day, rejoice in the salvation that is yours.
  • Repent Continually: This day, and every day, repent of every sin and renew your faith commitment to Christ.

And the Holy Spirit of peace “will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7).

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