Month: July 2017
Elijah: Do You Have a Sustaining Faith Picture?
July 31, 2017
As we rehearse our vision of faith over and over, keeping it ever before us, it strengthens and sustains us, remaining intact as a source of strength during times of crisis and resistance.
Matt Hook ~ A Dialogue Sermon on Fear, Love, and Anxiety: The Heartbeat of God
July 29, 2017
This dialogue sermon between Dr. Matt Hook and Dr. Marty Fletcher delves into the psychology of fear and anxiety through the lens of the scriptural text, “perfect love casts out fear.”
Carolyn Moore ~ Relapse and Recovery: How to Get Back Up When You Fall
July 27, 2017
Inside every person, there are two sides that war with each other, and sometimes the side that works against our design wins a battle and we do things we don’t mean to do.
Elijah: Paralyzing Fear vs Powerful Faith
July 26, 2017
God offers Elijah, and us, three specific spiritual resources: visioning, speaking, and acting.
Andy Stoddard ~ Our Most Important Meeting
Because there is no more important meeting we have today than to meet God in prayer.
Elizabeth Glass Turner ~ Do You Need to Move On?
July 24, 2017
What draws you to stay laboring in one spot over and over, turning the soil over and over, but never planting and moving on?
Guest Post ~ Steve Beard ~ My Joshua Tree
Through all this, Bono remains rock ‘n’ roll’s most effective spiritual provocateur. He sees every stage as a pulpit and every coliseum as a cathedral.
Michelle Manuel ~ It’s a Good Day to Die to Bitterness
July 22, 2017
We’re pleased to share this sermon from Rev. Michelle Manuel, Loft Associate Pastor at The Woodlands United Methodist Church.
Brian Yeich ~The Lost Metric of Testimony
July 20, 2017
A focus on numbers may tempt us to simply rearrange the deck chairs on a sinking ship rather than seeking to reach people who have not heard or had the opportunity to respond to the Gospel.
Faith Parry ~ What Is an Awakening?
July 19, 2017
Scripture doesn’t describe causal prayer anywhere, but always about prayer that is a person emptying his or her heart to God of whatever emotions are there.