News Archives



Month: December 2015

Andy Stoddard ~ Can We Really Have Peace?

December 17, 2015

Your peace will not come from an absence of conflict or absence of things that are you are afraid of.

Otis McMillan ~ Christmas Living: Prayer, Preaching, and Possibility

December 16, 2015

As important as John the Baptist was at his time, his role remains vital today. Every child of God must be adequately prepared to share the message of Jesus.

Michael Smith ~ Zechariah’s Boy

December 14, 2015

It is as if the angel Gabriel gives the message to Zechariah that his son is going to do the very thing that he (and his generation) were not doing.

Omar Rikabi ~ My Muslim Problem

December 12, 2015

Christmas reminds us God is redeeming all our little human stories into his great divine story through Jesus Christ. This is the good news of the Gospel. The nature of Jesus’s incarnation—God becoming human to be in relationship with each of us—puts us face to face with real people with real stories. When we choose to distort, ignore, or not enter into another’s story, we deny the incarnation and change what is happening.

Kelcy Steele ~ Pregnant with Possibility

December 10, 2015

And you are pregnant with possibilities, eyes hath not seen nor have ear heard what God is getting ready to do through you.

And you can trust God to bring it to pass – as long as you don’t settle for less than his best.

Kimberly Reisman ~ Darkness: Why Advent Breaks My Heart

December 9, 2015

That our Prince of Peace entered the world as a helpless child and left it as a crucified outcast tells me that God’s kingdom is one in which self-giving, vulnerable, love reigns supreme.

Kevin Murriel ~ Why I Need Jesus: An Advent Reflection

December 7, 2015

As unpopular as it may seem the reality of Advent is that it doesn’t need to occur in the best of circumstances. In fact, Jesus was born in the midst of terrorism and heinous acts against human life.

Elizabeth Glass Turner ~ Nine Resources for a Meaningful Advent

December 5, 2015

So sit, rest, take comfort, be fed. It is the glorious season to receive all that you don’t have.

Tom Fuerst ~ The Real Problem with Once Saved, Always Saved

December 2, 2015

And the difference between those who knew Christ and those who did not was simply a matter, not of faith or confession or creed, but of fruit and character.