News Archives



Month: February 2018

Jean Watson ~ Love Behind Bars

February 28, 2018

No security measures could have kept Jesus out.

Carolyn Moore ~ Real Prayers for Real People

February 26, 2018

The Psalms are real prayers for real people. 

Elizabeth Glass Turner ~ Scripture You Forgot You Knew

February 21, 2018

A few years back during a dark night of the soul, I rediscovered this truth. Hymns I’d long forgotten popped up unbidden in my thoughts. Scripture verses I’d forgotten I’d memorized as a child emerged out of nowhere. Prayers I’d learned, spoken by thousands of Christians over centuries, rooted my thoughts when I didn’t have the words.

Michelle Bauer ~ Learning to Love

February 19, 2018

What damage can be done if people exercise their spiritual gifts without love?

Matt Hook ~ Build No Matter Where You Are

February 17, 2018

At the end of the day, it’s not just about spectating; at the end of the day, it’s not just about building a monument. At the end of the day, it’s about pursuing God with our whole heart.

Justus Hunter ~ Lent: There Is a River and There Is a City

February 15, 2018

Lent is a season of clarity. We already sit among the ashes. We already sit in cities made in our own image.

Carolyn Moore ~ From Dust and Ashes to the Image of God

February 14, 2018

We are both sinners and saints, dust and treasure, limited but with tremendous potential, fallen but loved.

Andy Stoddard ~ To Observe a Holy Lent

February 12, 2018

We fast to clear away the noise and the pain and the hurt.  We fast to tune our hearts to his grace. We fast, even in the midst of our pain and brokenness, not to be torn down.

No, we fast to be built up.  To be reminded of what matters and where life is found. We fast so that our ears can properly hear that voice of God, calling out to us.

Kelcy Steele ~ God Is Calling

February 10, 2018

Can you hear me now?

Jennifer Moxley ~ What to Do With #metoo

February 8, 2018

As the Church, it would be foolish to believe we have not participated or contributed in some way. We can confess the ways we have corporately and personally upheld this power dynamic, repent and seek to turn it upside down.