Author Archives: World Methodist Evangelism

Methodism Around the World – Brazil

In July the wonderous movement of the Holy Spirit was experienced in Brazil.

From July 24 -29, Central Methodist Church in Londrina, Brazil, World Methodist Evangelism, Agência Malta Metodista, and many dedicated teachers worked together to host a regional young adult seminar called Metanoia.

The word metanoia has Greek origins and is defined as a transformative change of heart.

With the hope of cultivating leaders who will help build faith-sharing movements, Metanoia gathers together passionate young adults for several days of worship, study, and training. This gathering is a unique opportunity for these young leaders to connect with each other and with God, and to learn with others who are passionate about sharing the gospel. This experience, also allows these young people an opportunity to discern their calling as they are encouraged to live more fully as committed disciples of Jesus Christ.

These young leaders are the catalyst to motivate their generation to impact the world with greater courage and integrity on behalf of Jesus Christ. As they build relationships that extend beyond our own contexts, they expand their vision of God’s purpose for their lives.


Here is one testimony from our time together:

Loeci –

I had high expectations for Metanoia. I had planned for my whole family to come but it didn’t work out. My daughter became sick about a week before we were set to leave. Very sick. What’s worse, we were told she would need to spend 7-10 days in the hospital. My family is most important to me, so this meant I might miss Metanoia. Since I was at the hospital for so long, I took the opportunity to share the gospel with other mothers who were also there with their kids. Meanwhile, I was praying for a miracle, for quick healing for my daughter, so I could attend. I prayed, put it in God’s hands, packed my bags, and kept praying.

After several days of uncertainty, my daughter was finally released from the hospital just a few minutes before I needed to leave! I was still nervous about attending Metanoia, but my husband and daughter told me to go. They said it was important for the relationships and to discern what God had for us next. I had felt called to serve orphans and widows in another country, but the timing for me and my family was not right, so I asked God to give me my next step. After attending Metanoia, I now have clarity on what’s next: to serve that same hospital where my daughter was cared for!

The picture is me sharing with my husband and Pastor Flavio about everything that I learned at Metanoia and about the work I would like to do in the hospital!!

The Methodist Movement Around The World – Russia

In August Rev. Fedor Kim, our Regional Secretary in Russia, made a 16 hour journey from Moscow (around one thousand miles!) for a mission trip to serve the Roma people in the South Russia region. Rev Kim and Irina Mitina, one of the UM pastors who serves in this small village, hosted an educational camp for children.

Rev. Kim spoke about his trip and the lesson he learned.

“In my view of gypsies I focused mostly on what they do not have, rather than on what they have, and we planned our mission and its goal according to that view. We thought that we were supposed to bring them all the things we have in our comfortable life; literacy and education, skills and occupations, good traditions and manners, hygiene, good clothes, devices and other necessary things.  It was clear for me that we must help them to live a more provided, comfortable and interesting life. 

One of the families invited us to their home. During the visit to their home, I expected to become surer in my view, but I discovered something special. I discovered a big loving family. Despite needs and lack of money, all the things they do not have and all the things they do differently than how I would, they have a big family and seem happy. They have something we lost or are losing – their big family happiness and traditions. For me as a Christian, what they have is much dearer than what I was going to bring.

Upon returning home, I am wondering if something I bring as a missioner, with my consumer views destroy the values they have. Perhaps our first goal as missioners must be to bring the Gospel in order to help them keep their treasure firstly, and then transform their life and traditions only if that is what they would like.”

Thank you Rev. Kim for your faithfulness to mission and for your reflections! You remind us that our primary roll is to bring the Gospel to others, not to assume our way of life is better.

Thank you, friends, for your prayers and financial support to spread the message of Christ throughout the world.


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Rev. Dr. H. Eddie Fox – Obituary

Posted online on August 03, 2021

Sevierville – The Rev. Dr. H. Eddie Fox died on July 28, 2021, in Sevierville, Tennessee. He was born on July 26, 1938, in the Waldens Creek Community of Sevier County, Tennessee, and has been called “one of the most visible evangelistic faces in the Methodist/Wesleyan movement in our lifetime” by Bishop Michael Watson, a retired bishop in the United Methodist Church. “Eddie Fox has preached to more people and taught faith sharing to more people than anyone on earth.” Dr. Fox grew up in Waldens Creek United Methodist Church. By age 9 he wanted to be a follower of Jesus. By age 16, he knew he wanted to be a preacher like his grandfather, and at age 17, he received his license to preach. He attended Sevier County High School, graduated from Hiwassee Junior College, Tennessee Wesleyan College, B.A., Emory University, M.Div., and Vanderbilt University, D. Min. He also received Doctor of Divinity Degrees from Tennessee Wesleyan College and Asbury Theological School. In 1959, he married the love of his life, Mary Nell Leuty, and together they embarked on a partnership and ministry together that spanned 62 years. An ordained elder in the Holston Conference for the United Methodist Church, Dr. Fox served churches in Virginia and Tennessee before joining the Board of Discipleship for the United Methodist Church, which later became the United Methodist Discipleship Ministries. He was there 15 years and served as head of evangelism for the last 6 years. Dr. Fox was also on the faculty of Billy Graham School of Evangelism for 15 years. Prior to his retirement at age 78 years, Dr. Fox was the Executive Director for World Evangelism for the World Methodist Council. He served in this capacity for over 25 years, creating such programs as Order of the FLAME and Connecting Congregations for Christ. He is the author of several books including, Grace-Esteem, Inherit the Kingdom, and Living a New Life. He and George Morris wrote, Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So, and Faith-Sharing and developed the widely used “Faith-Sharing” Wesleyan resources and the Faith Sharing New Testament published in English and translated in over 40 languages. In 2013, Dr. Fox received the “Distinguished Alumni Award in service to the Church” from Candler School of Theology, Emory University. Dean Jan Love stated, “He inspires many in the Wesleyan family around the world with deep dedication to proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ…. His work to bring various denominations within the Wesleyan tradition together across national and cultural boundaries has few equals in recent generations.” Dr. Fox was a beloved father, grandfather and father-in-law to daughter, Gaye Nell, husband, Larry Heck, and grandsons, William and Simon; son, Timothy, wife Joelle, and granddaughter, Jasmine and grandson, Riley; son, Thomas, wife Jan and granddaughter, Arden and grandson, Grayson. He is also survived by his brother, Dr. William R. Fox and wife, Mary Hester, and nephews, Robert, Andrew, and Anthony “Gib” Fox; brother-in-law, Bill Barker and niece, Christy Barker; brother-in-law, Thomas Leuty and wife, Pat, and sister-in-law, Moya Leuty and nephew, James Leuty. He was also a beloved nephew to Omer Perryman.

He is preceded in death by his parents, Marshall B. Fox and Geneva Perryman; his sister, Judy Gail Barker; his nieces, Jennifer Barker and Janice Leuty; his father-in-law and mother-in-law, J.B. and Leta Leuty; and brother-in-law, James H. Leuty.

A Celebration of Life Service will be held on Saturday, August 14, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. (central time) at Hermitage United Methodist Church, 205 Belinda Dr., Hermitage, Tennessee 37076.

In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts may be made to “The Dr. H. Eddie and Mary Nell Fox Endowment for Evangelism” c/o The Foundation for Evangelism, P.O. Box 985, Lake Junaluska, NC 28745. Please make checks payable to The Foundation for Evangelism and include “Fox Endowment” in the memo. Gifts can also be made online at


Eddie Fox Remembered

First Friday Letter
The World Methodist Council
September 2021

As Bishop Ivan Abrahams greeted those attending the service for the Rev. Dr. H. Eddie Fox on behalf of the World Methodist Council, he said he celebrated the life and witness of this teacher, mentor, icon and friend, noting that none was more committed than Eddie. He said that his wise counsel, passion, and razor-sharp wit along with his treasure- trove of stories would long influence the Methodist family. He thanked wife Mary Nell and the family for sharing Eddie, explaining that they were owed a debt of gratitude as many lives had been transformed and enriched by Eddie.

Bishop Abrahams joins the WMC family in praying for the Fox family and who continue to deal with the loss of a husband, father, grandfather and close friend.

A number of others who have been part of the World Methodist Council paid tribute including Bishop Michael Watson who delivered the gospel message, Rev. Dr. Maxie Dunnam, Rev. Allen Black, Rev. Grace Imathiu, and Bishop Darryl Starnes.

Bishop Ivan Abrahams brought greetings from the President, officers, members and staff of the World Methodist Council to the family and friends of the late Rev. Dr. H. Eddie Fox. He joined a
number of others in the Methodist family who remembers the many contributions Fox made.



Members of the WMC Steering Committee Bishop Ivan Abrahams, Rev. Dr. Kimberly Resiman and Bishop Darry Starnes greet each other at the memorial service of the late Rev. Fox.





This article appeared in the World Methodist Council, First Friday Newsletter – September 2021

Died: H. Eddie Fox, Who Urged Methodists to Share Their Faith


The ministry leader believed declining US churches could be revitalized by hearing Wesleyans “with a different accent.”

Eddie Fox, who hoped to renew American Methodism through evangelism and increased connections with global Christianity, died on Wednesday at age 83.

Fox led World Methodist Evangelism for 25 years, teaching, training, and empowering Methodists and Wesleyans to share their faith, and encouraging churches to make evangelism a priority. He pioneered several new initiatives that were popular in United Methodist Church (UMC) congregations, and he helped American churches connect with fellow Wesleyans outside the United States, especially in formerly communist countries after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

This full article is located at:

Rev. Eddie Fox, Evangelism Pioneer, Dies

By Sam Hodges
UM News | July 29, 2021

 Key points:

  • The Rev. H. Eddie Fox served a quarter century as executive director of World Methodist Evangelism and traveled the world.
  • His tenure coincided with the fall of communism in Eastern Europe and presented opportunities for churches there to revive or begin.
  • A top student at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology, Fox was ordained as an elder in the Holston Conference, and served churches in Virginia and Tennessee.

The Rev. H. Eddie Fox became synonymous with Methodist evangelism over a long career of sharing the gospel worldwide.

Whether it was delivering bicycles to Cuban pastors, helping local churches in Eastern Europe begin or revive after communism collapsed there, creating a New Testament edition designed for effective witnessing or finding innovative ways for the World Methodist Evangelism organization to do its work, Fox created a legacy that is large and lasting, admirers say.




Rev. Dr. H. Eddie Fox, World Director Emeritus

Well Done Good and Faithful Servant

Thank you to all in the worldwide Wesleyan Methodist family and beyond who have expressed their love and care in response to the passing of Rev. Dr. H. Eddie Fox, World Director Emeritus of World Methodist Evangelism (WME). We received this sad news only yesterday, and expressions of comfort and support began flowing immediately. What a testament to the love that binds us together in Christ – and to the tremendous impact of Eddie’s life.

Eddie was a remarkable man whose leadership strengthened and expanded WME’s ministry in many significant ways. During his years as World Director, he traveled millions of miles to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and to empower Christians on every inhabited continent in the world to share their faith with authenticity and grace. We stand on the legacy of his firm foundation and continue to faithfully follow the vision he laid out during his 25 years of service to WME.

Eddie came from a long line of Methodists – six generations! His roots grew deep in the soil of a country Methodist church in Sevier County in East Tennessee. It was a point of pride for him that when John Wesley was alive, his family was already Methodist. By the time Eddie was 9 years old, he knew he wanted to follow Jesus. By the time he was 16 he knew he wanted to preach. From the time the church gave him a license preach at 17, Eddie never stopped proclaiming the good news. God indeed used him in a mighty way.

World Methodist Evangelism’s impact for Christ grew considerably under Eddie’s dynamic leadership. A keen awareness of the importance of meeting the cultural moment drove much of his work. In the years following the dismantling of the Soviet Union, Eddie worked diligently to support emerging and re-emerging churches in Eastern Europe and the Baltics. In partnership with WME, the Methodist Church in Estonia founded the Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary, and throughout these newly independent countries, new churches and other ministries were planted, and existing churches were strengthened. This movement came to be known as Connecting Congregations and it continues to impact not only churches in Eastern Europe and the Baltics, but churches in Africa and South America and throughout the various denominations of the global Wesleyan Methodist family.

Eddie also recognized the need to provide accessible faith-sharing tools to lay people and to instill the DNA of evangelism in emerging pastoral leaders so they would come to see themselves as mission evangelists for their entire communities. He was instrumental in creating the Faith-Sharing New Testament with the Psalms, which is a resource that has been translated into 40 languages and includes basic answers about questions of faith as well as helpful information about guiding others into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. 2021 marks the 25th anniversary of this important faith-sharing tool. Also celebrating its 25th anniversary is The Order of the FLAME (Faithful Leaders as Mission Evangelists), which Eddie launched to equip pastors to do the work of an evangelist and carry out their ministries fully (2 Timothy 4:5). Pastors throughout the Wesleyan Methodist family in North America, Africa, and Ireland have been impacted by the FLAME ethos of holistic evangelism though word and deed, empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Like many others across the globe, Eddie mentored and supported me as a young minister, consistently providing wisdom, guidance, and opportunities for growth. He was committed to building strong relationships and friendships, and because of his joyful spirit and warm heart those friendships came easy and grew deeply. Eddie’s preaching was inspired and inspiring – he knew it mattered. He was tirelessly committed to evangelism, to enabling others to discover a life-giving relationship with Jesus Christ. I thank God he never wavered from that deep commitment.

Please join me in praying for Eddie’s wife, Mary Nell, and the entire family during this time of sorrow and grief. We rejoice that he now rests easy in the arms of his Savior and yet the hole in our hearts is wide and deep. May God provide comfort to us and all those whose lives Eddie touched as we navigate this time of loss.

Rev. Dr. Kimberly Reisman,
Executive Director
July 29, 2021

As World Director of WME, Eddie Fox left an amazing legacy and laid a firm foundation. We stand firmly on that foundation, addressing the needs of the cultural moment as we connect, equip, and encourage networks of Christian leaders to build faith-sharing movements around the world. Eddie’s legacy calls us all to remain committed to the mission of evangelism and showing and sharing the love of Jesus Christ.

Be part of the legacy