Elizabeth Glass Turner ~ Called to be a Nimble Follower
Are we free to follow Christ quickly, lightly, quickly comprehending his ways? That is a question worth losing sleep over.
Are we free to follow Christ quickly, lightly, quickly comprehending his ways? That is a question worth losing sleep over.
When nothing stands between our heart and God’s heart, God can become our hiding place rather than the One from whom we hide.
Do not think for an instant that the evil that pulls the trigger in a Bible study at a black church is different than the evil that drives ISIS recruits to kill Christians; it is the same evil. Christians died worshiping.
You need to have some area in your life, some space in your life, where you have to be the clueless follower.
Seasoned Christians seem stable because they know the enjoyment of measuring growth – but they don’t depend on those outward signs of success to affirm their character.
I’m shaking again, my knees are weak because I don’t know what I’m seeing – lightning with hands and feet? A thousand stars looking at me, blinking? I’m shaking all over, and then the light begins to speak, and it sounds like the voice is coming from the night sky, from the farthest stars, and from right next to me, at the same time.
After all – a great deal of the New Testament was written by believers, to believers, about believers, in order to encourage believers.
But it would seem that one of the Holy Spirit’s favorite ways to work is by doing remarkable things through shared humility. And by birthing unity through Spirit-infused shared humility.
A woman’s voice can usher in the Kingdom of God – whether or not we hear it. How many women have gone unheard?
What more is Ash Wednesday than this? To bow the head, receive the ash, and be led by the hand to a time of fasting and prayer? What more is Lent than putting to death the inner persecutor and praying determinedly for the outer one?