Elizabeth Glass Turner ~ The Many Ways We Limp
The bottoms of your shoes tell a tale. Examine them: the soles are worn down on the inside or the…
The bottoms of your shoes tell a tale. Examine them: the soles are worn down on the inside or the…
When everything is turned inside-out, a jumble of items cascading from a moving box or a partially rearranged room in…
Note from the Editor: This week at Wesleyan Accent, as we scan, with grief, ongoing news from seeker-sensitive Protestant megachurches…
Note from the Editor: This week at Wesleyan Accent, as we scan, with grief, ongoing news from seeker-sensitive Protestant megachurches…
Dear Millenials, I was you once. People wanted to know what I thought. They wanted to know what I wanted…
Recently, I heard a church leader describe the instinct to “drop Facebook napalm” in an online debate. What a great…
Today’s post is written alongside others delving into the moral, ethical, and biblical ramifications of the current practice in the…
We are not at the mercy of terrorists. They are at our mercy as we live in flesh and blood and bone the loving mercy of Jesus Christ, Emmanuel-God-With-Us, who was and is and is to come. As the orange-suited martyrs cried to Jesus on their sandy beach deathbeds, evil crumpled. They have no power over Jesus Christ, they have no power over the world to come, they have no power over your soul.
No one is beyond being confronted with the blinding light of Christ, in this world or the next.
If the Apostle Paul had perceived all his challenges as God closing a door, he wouldn’t have undertaken most of his missionary journeys.