News Archives



Wesleyan Accent

Answers in the Darkness: A Prayer by Suzanne Nicholson

November 13, 2019

And so you teach me:
Certainty has become my idol.
Expectations met.
That looks like faith to me:
I ask, knowing that you can.

Testimony, Conversion, and the Search for Genuine Faith by Elizabeth Glass Turner

November 4, 2019

The question of whether testimony of following Jesus Christ is genuine isn’t a new question birthed solely from a time on the planet when mass communications highlight celebrity lifestyles. The early church dealt with this question, and leaders often counseled prudence, care, pastoral sensitivity, and community accountability.

Gratitude and Caring

November 1, 2019

Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the…

WME Upcoming Events – Nov 2019

October 30, 2019

WME is involved in a variety of ministries and covets your prayers for these upcoming events: November 14-17, 2019 ~…

Residency In Mission Accepting Applications

Residency In Mission accepting applications for placement in New Zealand 2020-2021 In recent months, WME celebrated the successful launch of…

Paying Attention to Poverty by Michelle Bauer

October 28, 2019

Why might people who are poor be brokenhearted? God calls our actions and our attitudes to be right toward people with few resources.

Squeezing Jesus Out of the Church by James Petticrew

October 24, 2019

“When Christ is squeezed from the Body of Christ by our own priorities and agenda as a congregation or through our busyness as leaders or disciples, what is left is little more than a corpse masquerading as a church.”

Wait for God’s Goodness by Karen Bates

October 16, 2019

God has gently reminded me more than once that the onus for what he has promised is not on me. It is on him.

Show Up and Pay Attention

October 14, 2019

By Rev. Dr. Robert Haynes I was recently visiting my son who is away studying at University, and we attended…

Rewriting a Story Gone Wrong by Michelle Bauer

October 10, 2019

“Ruth’s life is not living up to her expectations. She is a childless widow, living in a foreign land, dependent on the favor of strangers. Enter the Redeemer – the one who can rewrite the ending of a story gone wrong, buying back tragedy and making way for restoration.”