News Archives



Month: June 2024

Life Beyond The Headlines by Joseph Seger

June 28, 2024

   Share the post: Don’t believe the story.  So went the surprising proclamation of DL Moody –  Some day you…

Falling From Grace? by Maxie Dunnam

June 25, 2024

Share the post: It may not be good writing or even good grammar, but I deliberately put a question mark…

The Good Fruit of Faith by Kim Reisman

June 20, 2024

Share the post: Scripture Focus: A good tree can’t produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can’t produce good fruit….

Once Saved Always Saved? by Maxie Dunnam

June 18, 2024

Share the post: In my last three articles I have discussed assurance and sanctification. These aspects of salvation lead us…

And The Rock Was Christ by Kim Reisman

June 13, 2024

Share the post: Scripture Focus: I don’t want you to forget, dear brothers and sisters, about our ancestors in the…

Holiness Of Heart and Life by Maxie Dunnam

June 10, 2024

Share the post: In an earlier article, we reflected on Wesley’s insistence on perfection being an essential dimension of our…

Faith: The Vital Connection by Kim Reisman

June 6, 2024

Share the post: Scripture Focus: You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? It was before your eyes that Jesus Christ…

Someone To Take The Place of Jesus: Convincer and Convictor by Maxie Dunnam

June 5, 2024

Share the post: I am not trying to be overly dramatic. Throughout these three articles on the Holy Spirit (check…