Someone To Take The Place of Jesus: Convincer and Convictor by Maxie Dunnam

I am not trying to be overly dramatic. Throughout these three articles on the Holy Spirit (check out Part I and Part II), I have voiced my conviction that we are at a critical point. I would even describe it as a life and death point…in our church and in our nation. However, the overarching conviction is that the Holy Spirit can be, must be our daily guide.
If we will allow, the Holy Spirit will teach us. How? Primarily through God’s word. If we will stay with it, the Holy Spirit will teach us what God is saying.
If we immerse ourselves in Scripture, and discipline ourselves in prayer – if we tune our souls through worship, we can live in the Spirit. The Spirit will be our daily counselor, teaching and keeping us sensitive to the Mind of Christ.
The final work of the Holy Spirit we will consider is that of convincer and convictor. In his last conversation with his disciples, Jesus made it clear:
And when he comes, he will convince the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment: concerning sin, because they do not believe in me; concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father, and you will see me no more; concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged. (John 16:8-11)
The New English Bible and Barclay use enlightening words in this translation: convict of sin, and convince of righteousness and judgment. The Holy Spirit does that work within us – convicting us of our sin and convincing us of righteousness and judgment.
Jesus is talking about the work he will do on the cross. Here the sin of man is exposed before the sheer righteousness of God in the gift of His Son for our salvation. And here, in the Cross, sin is condemned, judged and defeated. The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin and convinces us that only Christ can save us.
I have shared about some of the sinful forces tearing us apart as families, as friends, as communities, as a nation. Yes, we should desire good government, but we are not excused to be bad neighbors because of bad policy. The Holy Spirit convicts us of the sins of racism, xenophobia, greed, etc. while also convincing us of Jesus’ words to love our neighbor. Will we be obedient?
A closing story will challenge us.
A small girl and her mother were out together one day and saw a poor needy man on the street. “Oh, Moma,” she said, “let’s help him.” The mother answered, “Come on, dear. It isn’t any of our business.”
That night, when the little girl had said her, “Now I Lay me down to sleep,” she added, “O God, bless that old man on the street corner.” And then, remembering her mother’s words that day, she added, “But really, it isn’t our business, is it, Lord?”
Unfortunately, too many of us are living that tragic lie, whatever the social ill plaguing our communities. Still the Holy Spirit calls to us each in a personal way. It is our business because it is Jesus’ business. So I close by rehearsing our major thoughts.
The Holy Spirit is the one who takes the place of Jesus as Companion, Comforter, Counselor, Convictor and Convincer. One word must be added – the word of Jesus himself speaks, “He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you.” (John 16:14 RSV)
Everything the Spirit does in our lives is to bring us to Christ and glorify him. Christ is central always and evermore.
Will you allow that truth to dominate the responses you make to the divisions arising in your nation, your community…your church?
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