What We Know

World Methodist Evangelism is blessed to serve a global family. In over 80 denominations in over 130 countries, Christians in the Methodist Wesleyan family provide faithful leadership on a daily basis, many living out their faith in places of deep political upheaval, economic uncertainty, physical violence, and battling factions. Because we are a global family, the experiences of some are often shared by all.
The presidential election in the United States has generated grave anxiety over international relations, over global markets, over religious freedom and military engagement, and over US domestic concerns, including the national posture towards women, minorities, immigrants, and the poor. To be certain, on Sunday, people will fill American pews having voted in a variety of ways, with particular perspectives and opinions.
There is not political unity within the various Wesleyan Methodist denominations across the United States. On election day, many nonpartisan prayer vigils and communion services were held in churches across the country. Some Methodist Wesleyan leaders led prayer from the Francis Asbury statue in Washington, D.C. As Americans move forward, it remains to be seen how the coming months and years will unfold; likewise, the full consequences of the election of Donald Trump are as yet unknown.
However, there are things we do know.
We know that to be an ambassador for Christ we must be ministers of reconciliation; therefore, we continue to stand steadfastly with our African American Methodist Wesleyan church leaders, pursuing development of racial reconciliation ministries. We know that as the Wesleyan Methodist movement has always affirmed God’s call on women, we will continue to invest in female Wesleyan voices that preach truth and redemption in all parts of the world. We know that we stand faithfully in a theological tradition that celebrates the personal and social work of the Holy Spirit, therefore we will continue be channels of Holy Spirit transformation, and work for justice for marginalized people in every corner of the world. We know that we stand humbly as a global movement that has found expression in a variety of cultural settings, therefore we will continue to respect the cultures and religious beliefs of others.
Moreover, we will continue to strengthen the web of relationships that exist within the global Methodist Wesleyan family. We will continue to encourage each of you to join in our Prayer and Fasting Community, fasting and praying weekly in the pattern of John Wesley. And we will continue to equip pastors and laypeople with resources so that Wesleyan Methodists are uniquely prepared to share their faith, through their words, through their actions, and through God’s supernatural acts of grace.
Thank you for your unique role in the Body of Christ. We need each other, and God has given us to each other as a gift.
Today, we are thankful for you.