From 1968 to Today: The Power of Investing in Young Leaders

In 1968, a young minister received a letter from a lawyer describing a financial gift that one of his clients had made available. The client, who wished to remain anonymous, saw promise in this young man and felt it was important for him to broaden his understanding of the world in order to lead to his fullest potential.
The client, who remains anonymous to this day, put aside enough money for this young minister to travel around the world for one month; and, because the client knew ministry is never a solo endeavor, gave funds for his wife to go too.
He was 34 years old.
She was 30.
It was a life-shaping, leadership-building, world-expanding experience for them both.
Global Christianity took on flesh and bone in India, Hong Kong, Thailand, Kenya, Greece and the Holy Land.
They saw Jesus in the eyes of Bedouin children and heard the words of Paul echo in their ears in Athens.
They felt the cool breeze of the Holy Spirit at an Ashram and the longing of prayer at the Wailing Wall.

They were never the same.
Ministry was never the same.
As WME works to encourage and empower young leaders in the Wesleyan family, I often wonder what would have happened without the generosity of that anonymous gift giver. What would the kingdom have lost had those two young people not encountered Jesus in Kenya and Hong Kong?
When World Methodist Evangelism introduces young leaders to God’s work around the globe, the Kingdom is strengthened through lifelong friendships, partnerships and a new perspective on how the Holy Spirit works in the Body of Christ.
Will you partner with us today, so that young leaders will continue to have opportunities like that young couple in 1968? From our annual Order of the Flame evangelism conference to our upcoming global Metanoia gathering for young leaders, we are committed to continually investing in the Wesleyan Methodist leaders God is raising up.
Donate securely online here or print this out and mail it to us with your ministry investment, or call (765) 413-2966 for specific giving opportunities.
What stories will be told years from now about the opportunities that were made possible through partners like you?