News Archives



Wesleyan Accent

Practicing the Skill of Silence by Michelle Bauer

April 6, 2020

Being silent is a skill we can develop.

Chess without the Queen

April 1, 2020

By Rev. Dr. Kimberly Reisman Recently I discovered that a very effective way to learn the game of chess is…

Clearing Out the Hidden Guilt in your Soul by James Petticrew

March 31, 2020

The neighbours said they rarely saw the lady but when they did, she was always happy and well-presented. She kept the small garden at the front of the house neat and tidy. But it was clear from inside that it had been years since she had thrown anything out.

A Prayer for the Raw & Ragged by Elizabeth Glass Turner

March 28, 2020

We need your Breath of Life, your Spirit-Wind that slowly fills our lungs with quiet life,
that slows our breathing away from
or flight
billowing into our cells
the warm, still calmness of being.

Order of the FLAME 2020

By Rev. Dr. Kimberly Reisman In March the Order of the FLAME gathered at Epworth by the Sea for its…

Looking Ahead – WME Upcoming Events – April 2020

March 25, 2020

WME is involved in a variety of ministries and covets your prayers for these upcoming events: April 14, 2020 ~…

Soul Posture for the Socially Distanced

March 16, 2020

“The thwarting of strategy is an invitation for God to do a deeper work of character.”

Wesleyan Accent ~ Practical Coronavirus Communication for Congregations

March 14, 2020

Given that local relationships will drive much of the local response, the following examples help address a couple of immediate needs faced by clergy and congregational members: church Coronavirus communication and communicating with vulnerable populations with proactive hospitality.

Remembering Church History: Pastoral Care during Outbreaks by Elizabeth Glass Turner

March 4, 2020

It may seem counter-intuitive to consider church history in any discussion of outbreak, pandemic, or plague; we live in an era of hazmat suits, microbiology, and gallons of gelatinous hand sanitizer. But while our approach to disease containment and pathology is far different than you would find in rural Germany in the 1500’s, there is profound wisdom and perspective in reflecting on the posture of faith communities in our past.

Seeing God’s Glory at a Feast by Jackson Lashier

March 2, 2020

According to John’s Gospel, the first miracle Jesus performs in his public ministry is to turn water into wine at a wedding. John’s Gospel calls the miracles “signs” because through them we see the glory of God. This sign meant seeing God’s glory at a feast – a wedding banquet.