News Archives



Wesleyan Accent

Little Pentecosts by Kim Reisman

May 20, 2021

Scripture focus: The person who trusts me will not only do what I’m doing but even greater things. . ….

Holding in Readiness by Kim Reisman

May 17, 2021

There’s a readiness exercise in tennis where players face the coach and run in place on the balls of their…

Phoebe Palmer and the Day of Days by Ryan Akers

May 5, 2021

A while back, a well-known pastor made remarks about a female pastor that were distasteful and offensive. While respecting the…

Taking the Journey Together: Witness in Crisis by Rob Haynes

May 3, 2021

I know a man who works at a large, warehouse-style home-improvement store. One day he shared a story about how…

Jesus in Real Time by Kim Reisman

April 26, 2021

Scripture Focus: I will send you the Advocate – the Spirit of truth. He will come to you from the…

Reacting to the Image of God: Wesley and Worth by Andy Stoddard

I try my best not to get drawn into the hot fire of the cultural moment. One of my great…

Gathering in Worship Again: Ways to Mark Change

April 19, 2021

As many congregations return to gathering in new or partial ways after a period of virtual worship, there are both…

How Church Planting Relies on the Power of Prayer by John Freed

April 12, 2021

After my wife and I planted and established a Wesleyan congregation in the Indianapolis area, we shifted gears toward a…

The Crowded Road to Emmaus by Rob Haynes

April 8, 2021

Not long ago, a friend shared with me how a series of unexpected difficulties impacted her life. She couldn’t understand…

Cómo es la Providencia by Brian Yeich

March 25, 2021

A veces parece que las personas que provienen de orígenes metodistas wesleyanos tienen una relación “a distancia” con la idea…