Residency In Mission Update

WME’s launch of the Residency In Mission (RIM) has been a great success. Our first Resident, Eliza Edge, in now in her sixth month of service. Our second Resident, Annie Kate Leinius, arrived in New Zealand just in time for the New Year. Both Eliza and Annie Kate are serving in multi-ethnic congregations in the Wesleyan Methodist Church of New Zealand in and around Auckland.
In November, WME staff members Rob Haynes and Bonnie Hollabaugh met with our Regional Secretary in the Pacific, Rev. Dr. Richard Waugh and RIM Pacific Regional Coordinator, Rev. Josh Bowlin in New Zealand to visit ministry placements as well as partnering pastors and congregations. The ministry of the Residents is already making an impact and together we gave thanks to the way God is using them. In addition to meeting with current pastors working with RIM, we had the opportunity to explore placements in other locations in and around New Zealand and in other Churches in the Wesleyan Methodist family.
The vision for RIM is to foster evangelistic and missional engagement and learning among young adults in the Wesleyan Family through intentional service, guided mentorship, and robust theological reflection. The response from potential host churches has been strong and we are excited to see how the Lord grows it to include even more church and nations.
There are several ways you can be involved in the Residency In Mission:
- Pray for this ministry. RIM provides a remarkable opportunity to grow the work of the church while helping prepare the next generation of leadership. Will you pray for then in their service?
- Recommend An Applicant. If you know someone who is 21 year or older and resides in Australia, Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom, or the United States and is looking to discern a call to missional service, let us know! (see below for contact info)
- Sponsor a Resident. The Residency is a self-funded service opportunity. Host churches contribute to the living costs of the Resident, but there are other expenses.
Applications are accepted on a rolling deadline. The next round of applications will close on 15 March. To apply or to learn more visit
Eliza and Annie Kate will finish their Residency in August, before returning to the United States for graduate studies. Follow them on this journey by visiting our RIM resident page.
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