Proactively Planting Peace

There is a great deal of tumult in our world. Among the tragedy, disaster, violence, and disputes, however, we are called to prophetically, proactively embody peace. This is part of our Kingdom calling, part of how we live as we follow the Jesus way – a “man of sorrows, acquainted with grief;” but he is also “prince of peace.”
Peace is not simply the absence of threat, danger, or conflict. It is also the abundant presence of well-being, in which we breathe flourishing. When we practice Sabbath rhythms, we invite peace to reorder our thoughts, feelings, and creativity. When we promote others’ well-being, we invite peace to pervade our communities and regions. When we pursue justice, we invite peace to have the last word.
Can you be described as someone who is accompanied by the peace of Christ – the peace that surpasses understanding?
As famous Brother Lawrence – a monk consigned to kitchen duty – put so clearly, “In the noise and clatter of my kitchen, while several persons are at the same time calling for different things, I possess God in as great tranquility as if I were upon my knees in the Chapel.”
The Good Shepherd left the 99 sheep to search for the one missing – to rescue it from whatever danger it found itself in and return it carefully to its home, where it would be protected, looked after, safe – at peace. How might we so diligently pursue peace for wandering sheep far from home?