News Archives



Wesleyan Accent

Talking about Jesus in A Complex World

March 2, 2020

World Methodist Evangelism (WME) is proud to work with partners around the world to train indigenous, front-line evangelism leaders to…

Kingdom Connections

March 1, 2020

During WME’s close to 50-year history, the shape of the Wesleyan Methodist movement has changed and grown. New denominations have…

Looking Ahead – WME Upcoming Events – March 2020

WME is involved in a variety of ministries and covets your prayers for these upcoming events: March 6-8, 2020 ~…

Being a Waffle House Church in the Storm by Omar Al-Rikabi

February 20, 2020

The folks at Waffle House have a whole system for keeping restaurants open in a storm. They know how to do natural disasters. We need to be a “Waffle House church,” first offering people the body and blood of Jesus Christ, then offering a full menu of the faith even in the midst the storm.

Living with Gracious Conviction by Elizabeth Glass Turner

February 14, 2020

These habits will help form a posture of communicating – of living – with gracious conviction. Most of them rely on humility in action; they show and shape perspective at the same time. They are habits learned as we follow Jesus around as his apprentices. They don’t always come easily; as we learn, we still fall short. But this is the Jesus way. We can’t do less – and by God’s grace, it will become easier.

Blessed in Any Season: God’s Sustaining Word by Edgar Bazan

February 11, 2020

The Psalmist says that a person who builds his or her life on the Word of God is like a tree planted by streams of water, which basically means that their lives are deeply rooted and healthy. Their lives are nourished, marked by lasting stability and fruitfulness.

Here is the Church

February 10, 2020

By Rev. Dr. Robert Haynes When I was a child, my grandmother taught me an old saying, a little rhyme…

When Change Is Uninvited: Leading through Uncertainty by Priscilla Hammond

February 6, 2020

Chaotic change is an uninvited guest. Like an unplanned extra person at an already too-small table, everything seems forced. Decisions have to be made before their time. People have to make room, take on new roles, or change habits even while leading.

Honoring History and a Continued Vision

February 4, 2020

It’s 1971 and the World Methodist Council has decided to proclaim its belief that “preaching the gospel and making disciples…

Looking Ahead – WME Upcoming Events – Feb 2020

February 3, 2020

WME is involved in a variety of ministries and covets your prayers for these upcoming events: February 15-16, 2020 ~…