News Archives



Wesleyan Accent

What Is the Proper Response to Pressure? by Kaloma Smith

September 21, 2020

Rev. Kaloma Smith, Senior Pastor of University AME Zion in Palo Alto, examines wisdom from Acts 12 for times when…

The Surprising Call to Gentleness

September 18, 2020

Gentleness isn’t weakness; it’s strength with a sense of humor.

When the Holy Spirit Empowers Our Ears to Hear

September 11, 2020

One of my favorite Holy Days is Pentecost, partly because (thankfully) it hasn’t been co-opted by Western consumerism. Maybe that’s…

The Miracle of Mouths and Ears

September 9, 2020

By Rev. Dr. Kimberly Reisman One of my favorite Holy Days is Pentecost, partly because (thankfully) it hasn’t been co-opted…

Plans and Power: Our Limits and God’s Goodness by BJ Funk

September 8, 2020

  “Plan your work and work your plan.” That phrase is great – in theory. Usually, it carries with it…

The Reality of Interdependency in an Age of Social Distancing

August 31, 2020

By Rev. Dr. Kimberly Reisman A significant aspect of the Embrace understanding of showing and sharing the love of Jesus…

Looking Ahead – WME Upcoming Events – September 2020

WME is involved in a variety of ministries and welcomes your prayers for these upcoming events: September 3, 10, 17…

Social Media & Holiness by Andy Stoddard

August 26, 2020

Social media was not helping me love God and my neighbor. This was not contributing to my holiness. We can’t live in a way that tears down fellow humans.

The Startling Poetry of Madeleine L’Engle

August 19, 2020

It is startling to encounter words that easily puncture what troubles us, in a moment aching for the holy iconoclasm of the poetry of Madeleine L’Engle.

The Cost of Preaching Pastorally & Prophetically by Maxie Dunnam

August 17, 2020

If we are guided by Scripture, the content of our preaching will always have aspects of the pastoral and the prophetic.