News Archives



Wesleyan Accent

Bearing Fruit by Kim Reisman

May 25, 2023

Scripture focus: Oh the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with…

Questions and Doubts Can be Keys to Evangelism by Rob Haynes

May 10, 2023

When I talk to some Christians about sharing their faith with others, they seem scared or even threatened. Often their…

Praying From The Heart by Kim Reisman

May 3, 2023

Scripture focus: And so they reached Jericho. Later, as Jesus and his disciples left town, a great crowd was following….

Why Share Your Faith by Rob Haynes

April 13, 2023

Why share your faith? The Father uses your fallout Evangelism has gotten a bad name over the last few years….

Creating The Yet To Be by Kim Reisman

March 31, 2023

Scripture focus: You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, because the work of the…

Beauty and Brokenness by Kim Reisman

March 8, 2023

My mother and sister are artists. I am not. I have other gifts (lest anyone worry about my self-esteem), but…

Trusting Our Instincts by Kim Reisman

February 23, 2023

Scripture focus: When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that…

A Sweet Gentleness by Kim Reisman

February 21, 2023

Today is Ash Wednesday, the day Christians all over the world mark the beginning of Lent, many with ashes and…

Three-Stranded Cords by Rob Haynes

February 9, 2023

A few years ago, in a town not too far away, there was a traffic accident involving a car and…

A New Chapter for Wesleyan Accent

January 31, 2023

As January 2023 draws to a close, Wesleyan Accent is poised to enter a new chapter. The website first drew…