Michael Smith ~ From Aldersgate to Holland Road

Let us go to the Holland Road.
On May 24th, 1738, John Wesley reluctantly attended a meeting in Aldersgate. Someone read from Luther’s Preface to the Epistle to Romans. Sounds awesome right? But Wesley shared this concerning what happened to him that night.
“… I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone for salvation; and an assurance was given me that He had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.”
For me, as a Methodist, this is an important day to celebrate. It is important to tell the story of what God can do in a person’s heart, and because of that work, the world could be forever changed.
The story and message of Aldersgate can easily become forgotten if we are not careful. Though many churches may carry its name, many also in our movement have forgotten its power. It is like this with a lot of things in our history. Take for instance the name Asbury. People in my neck of the woods hear that and only think of the town where Bruce Springsteen got his start.
We know that it is something much more. I wonder if we are going to tell the story today – how might we make it come alive? I submit to you another road – “The Holland Road” by Mumford and Sons.
“Holland Road”
So I was lost, go count the cost,
Before you go to the Holland road,
With your heart like a stone you spared no time in lashing out,
And I knew your pain and the effect of my shame, but you cut me down, you cut me down
And I will not tell the thoughts of hell
That carried me home from the Holland road
With my heart like a stone and I put up no fight
To your callous mind, and from your corner you rose to cut me down, you cut me down
So I hit my low, but little did I know that would not be the end,
From the Holland road well I rose and I rose, and I paid less time,
To your callous mind, and I wished you well as you cut me down, you cut me down
But I’ll still believe though there’s cracks you’ll see,
When I’m on my knees I’ll still believe,
And when I’ve hit the ground, neither lost nor found,
If you’ll believe in me I’ll still believe
But I’ll still believe though there’s cracks you’ll see,
When I’m on my knees I’ll still believe,
And when I’ve hit the ground, neither lost nor found,
If you’ll believe in me I’ll still believe
As people who are walking the road of faith, let us point out particular places and stops along the way where God can meet with us. Let’s travel the roads that will invite us to come to the end of ourselves that we might find Christ in us, to truly be the hope of glory. Whether you prefer Aldersgate Street or the Holland Road, start walking and be transformed.