The Journey of the Jesus Way

On January 5, Christ followers all over the world will mark what is called Epiphany Sunday. It’s the Sunday we remember the wise men who undertook an arduous journey, following a star without completely understanding what it all meant, but knowing they were part of something larger than themselves. That is what was begun at Christmas really, a journey. The journey of the Jesus way. It takes our whole selves and moves toward something we can’t ever completely understand but know is larger than we are. It’s a journey guided by a star, a light in the darkness, a light so bright that nothing can put it out.
At WME, we are excited about continuing the journey of the Jesus way in 2020. We don’t know all that lies ahead, but we are following the light of the Holy Spirit toward exciting opportunities that are indeed, larger than we are.
2020 holds much promise!
- Churches all over the United States are exploring our Embrace evangelism resources and we will soon have a church resource kit as well as children and youth curriculum to accompany the adult material.
- The Holy Spirit has opened new doors for ministry in Cuba.
- We will launch the Order of the FLAME in Indonesia.
- We will hold international evangelism seminars in Romania and Fiji.
As we move into this new year, I’m grateful for all who have come alongside us in this important work. The light of Christ is shining brightly in the darkness of our broken world. We are following it faithfully and are excited to share that journey with you.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]