Fiction in the Pulpit: Preachers’ Favorite Books

Note from the Editor: Following our series of posts exploring theology and literature – from Steinbeck and the prophet Jeremiah to Jane Eyre, Jane Austen and John Wesley to the poetry of Mary Oliver – we asked several pastors and preachers from various Wesleyan/Methodist denominations what works of fiction have had the biggest impact on them personally.
Here are some responses:
Probably something from childhood: A Wrinkle in Time, especially Meg Murray, feeling awkward but finding herself and fighting for love. – Dr. Beth Felker Jones
Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God – Rev. Yvette Blair Lavallais
Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. I am now reading it to my boy. – Rev. Edgar Bazan
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelha, although there were a few books that I read as a kid that influenced me as well! Narnia series count? – Rev. Rob Lim
I think about Gilead by Marilynne Robinson a lot. – Rev. Jennifer Moxley
The Little Engine That Could – Rev. Kelcy G.L. Steele
Hinds Feet on High Places. That would be my number one. – Rev. Carolyn Moore
*What works of fiction would you include? Leave answers in the comments below.