Discerning God’s Voice by David Chotka
A definition of personal discernment is “sensing and following divine guidance.” Of course, it is essential to know that the guidance is from God and not just an echo of yesterday’s podcast. How can we “hear God” in a practical kind of way?
Well, I “tripped” into that hearing—if you can call it “hearing.” “Attending to God’s leading” may be a better way to say this. The very first time I “heard God’s Voice” (and managed to recognize it was God) was one of those “tripping into the will” moments.
I had recently heard from three completely different Bible study groups something like this: “Give the first 10% and God will return a blessing.” This was followed by this word of assurance: “You can’t outgive God.” So I began to practice the tithe.
I was working a minimum wage job, and, with great reluctance, started putting 10% of my little wage aside. Soon there was $120.00 in that fund, enough to give some or all of it away. Kneeling beside my bed, I asked for guidance about where to give.
Pay attention, as this detail is important: It was a Friday at 4:00 in the afternoon.
As soon as my knees touched the rug, two classmates from University, Derek and Deb, popped into my thinking. They wanted to serve the Lord in South-East Asia and needed sponsors. Unexpectedly, my interior being became peaceful, surprisingly joyful.
“How much should I give them?” I asked the Lord, “$110.00”?
That interior peace diminished, yet there was a prompting, a sense to try again.
“$109.00”? I asked.
The peace increased, though there was a sense to try again.
“$108.00”? I asked.
As quickly as that number was uttered, my whole interior swelled with joy and fiery Presence. I leapt to my feet and said “YES! I must give $108 to Derek and Deb.” I got a 3 x 5 card and wrote this verse, “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19 KJV)
About 7:00 that evening, I snuck over to their row house. The sun was setting, their porchlight, burnt out. Heart pounding, I crept up, putting an envelope with their names on it into the mailbox, and then scurried away, unseen.
Two weeks later curiosity got the best of me. Now I used to walk down their street often; so, I did, hoping to be seen. Sure enough, Derek quickly spotted me. He said, “Dave! Dave! Come on in—I have something to tell you.” Then he paraphrased the quote from the envelope: “Our God [is supplying] all our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus”
I felt smug. “What’s up?” I asked.
Then Derek said the words that froze me in my tracks:
“It was a Friday at 4:00 in the afternoon.”
“Two weeks ago,” he continued, “Deb and I had a prayer time. I needed to take a course to complete my degree; it was being offered starting the following Monday. The only trouble was that we had to pay the course on Monday. We were getting paid on Wednesday and needed the full amount Monday.”
Derek paused, “The course cost $158.00.” He looked at me and said, “All we had was $50.00.”
My jaw dropped as he told me the rest.
“We asked God to send us $108.00 in cash two Fridays ago. Then, we spent the weekend seeking God. On Sunday, we sensed the money was given. So, we wrote a check. On Monday, just before paying, I opened the mailbox and there it was.” I not only got it right. I got it exactly right, down to the penny.
There was no “audible voice.” Rather there was an internal awareness of, and then attention to, His Presence. So began the journey of discovering that God is speaking, non-verbally, by the increase or the withdrawal of His Presence. Paul said it this way:
“for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 14:17 NKJV)
Our God speaks—sometimes verbally, and usually non-verbally, by Presence, to anyone with an ear to hear.
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