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Author: Maxie Dunnam

Biblical Justice by Kim Reisman

April 25, 2024

Share the Post: Scripture Focus: I will test you with the measuring line of justice and the plumb line of…

When We Are Most Like Christ by Maxie Dunnam

April 23, 2024

Share the Post: In my previous article I made the claim saying yes to forgiveness is saying yes to God….

Justice is a Natural Grace Marred by Sin by Kim Reisman

April 11, 2024

Share the Post: Scripture Focus: But this is the new covenant I will make with the people of Israel after…

Saying Yes to Forgiveness by Maxie Dunnam

April 10, 2024

Share the Post: Recently This Week magazine reported an amazing story of a Pakistani election commissioner admitting that he had…

Justice: Giving Each Person Their Due by Kim Reisman

April 5, 2024

Share the Post: Scripture Focus: So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance; truth has stumbled in…

Hurry Slowly by Maxie Dunnam

April 2, 2024

Share the Post: Years ago I came across a phrase that grabbed my attention. It was a season of my…

Victory Over Death by Maxie Dunnam

March 26, 2024

Share the Post: There is no if about death. The question is more accurately put, “When a person dies, shall…

Embracing the New Wine: Reflections on the Changing Landscape of Ministry by Larry Frank

March 22, 2024

Share the Post: “In the crushing, in the pressing You are making new wine In the soil I now surrender…

Courage, Will and Freedom by Kim Reisman

March 21, 2024

   Share the Post: Scripture Focus: Daniel soon proved himself more capable than all the other administrators and high officers….

What Happens When Everyone Stops Sinning by Maxie Dunnam

March 19, 2024

   Share the Post: The preaching must have been powerful. In a recent cartoon, as he leads his parents from…