Author: Maxie Dunnam
Leave Your Stuff Behind by Maxie Dunnam
January 2, 2024
Tucked away in the Old Testament story of Joseph’s journey into Egypt is a verse packed with far more meaning…
Emmanuel, What’s in a Name? by Maxie Dunnam
December 29, 2023
In the article last week I talked about Christmas in relation to the name given to the baby born on…
What’s in a Name? by Maxie Dunnam
December 19, 2023
We are in the midst of the Advent season. It’s Christmas time. Let’s stay with the story…at least reflect seriously…
A Greater Miracle Than Healing by Maxie Dunnam
December 11, 2023
A minister friend told a story of a couple who had been married for twelve years when the woman was…
Never Say “There’s Nothing I Can Do” by Maxie Dunnam
December 7, 2023
Prayer means that no one of us can ever say, “There is nothing I can do.” I first went to…
I Keep Reminding Myself by Maxie Dunnam
November 28, 2023
Somewhere I read that Darwin kept a notebook to jot down the contradictions that he came across, contradictions against his…
Deliverance Through Thanksgiving by Maxie Dunnam
November 20, 2023
One of our big failures as Christians is our continual refusal to discipline ourselves in living with the word of…
Resurrection: In our end is our beginning by Maxie Dunnam
November 14, 2023
This is the sixth and final article in a series of articles Maxie is writing about the beliefs behind our…
Salvation, A Thorny Issue by Maxie Dunnam
November 7, 2023
In a previous blog, we considered the nature of grace. Grace was a core issue in Wesley’s theology. He sounded…
The Power of The Holy Spirit by Maxie Dunnam
October 30, 2023
This is the fourth article in a series of articles Maxie is writing about the beliefs behind our views of…