Healing Prayer Found Me by David Chotka

I tripped into prayer for Healing. It wasn’t my idea.


The whole thing started when a progressive classmate at seminary would use humor to embarrass me whenever I said anything indicating that the Bible was true. 

And then he fell terribly ill-and asked a mutual friend to ask me to come and pray for him. I had no desire to go and do that for three very good reasons: 

  1. He had mocked me just a few days before when I spoke of the Lord’s miracles (and he did that in front of my peers).
  2. I had not a sweet clue about how to go about praying for divine healing. This was because…
  3. I didn’t know a single person who had been healed by what James calls “the prayer of faith.” 

I had no training, had never seen it done, had not met anyone healed by the Lord, and worse, I had seen the crazies on TV who yelled, put people on display even though they threw hankies in the air. 

Well, I went only because the Bible, specifically, Matthew 25, commanded that if anyone was sick, we should go and visit them.  

The effect of that one visit forever changed my life. Despite my complete and utter lack of training, I found myself praying for the man to become well. The Manifest Presence of God filled the room. Fiery Presence filled my whole being, and God’s healing virtue flowed into him. 

The man was instantly healed. It was medically impossible. And God did it. (It is the first account in the Healing Prayer book). 

Yet I still had “not a lonely clue” about how to make this a regular ministry practice. In fact, I didn’t even know if this was a “one-off” or if it was going to be a regular thing. This moment drove me to devour books, teaching and most especially, the Bible itself, to learn and to grow. 

Read the Bible, and it is clear. Prayer for healing is supposed to be an ongoing, common practice in the Lord’s Church. 

So, Maxie Dunnam and I both penned this book to serve two roles. 

  1. It was to make clear that via medically verified testimony, that prayer for healing actually yields results. God heals people!
  2. It was to make plain a helpful trajectory to develop best practices around how congregations, pastoral teams and ordinary people can learn how to practice prayer for healing. 

The book chronicles 5 approaches to prayer for healing: 

  1. The Instant Miraculous Healing
  2. The astonishing grace of ordinary recovery
  3. A pathway to a remedy
  4. Holy Mystery in answers unseen
  5. The Majestic Crossing from death to life. 

Do you want to learn how to enter into prayer for healing? Let’s Journey together. Healing Prayer is actually God’s Idea, not ours. And He wants us to learn how best to do this. 


Join us next week October 2nd at 11 am EST for a conversation live on WE 419 with David Chotka.  If you have not already found a copy of Healing Prayer, you can do so here.  If you have not signed up for WE 419, you can do so here.

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