
showing and sharing the love of jesus

Do you feel uneasy or inexperienced when it comes to sharing your faith? Embrace is a faith-sharing resource that helps you share your faith with boldness, confidence, and grace!

Embrace explores six values that comprise the essence of authentic faith-sharing:

  • Humility
  • Clarity
  • Prayer
  • Integrity
  • Worship
  • Urgency

Available Formats

Embrace is available in several formats to help share your faith with those you love:

Embrace Study Book

Looking for a small group study on faith-sharing? Embrace is designed for use by individuals and small groups. It is divided into six sessions: an introductory session followed by five sessions focusing on the essential values of faith-sharing. Each session includes guidelines and activities for weekly gatherings in addition to participants’ reading and activities. The Embrace study book is $15.00 plus shipping and can be ordered online here.

Embrace Workshop

Is faith-sharing just the pastor’s role? Absolutely not! Equip your congregation to be disciples that make disciples through an Embrace Workshop. Using the metaphor of embrace, Christ-followers are offered a new way of sharing their faith that restores confidence, competence, and responsiveness to the power of the Holy Spirit. Whether in-person or online, this study is a blend of lecture, storytelling, small group discussion, and individual reflection.

If you are a leader or member of a group, please complete the Study Book Registration Form to receive additional information to encourage you on the Embrace journey.

And also download the WE419 app to connect with others who have gone or our going through the Embrace training.

The digital format sessions are subdivided into independent, shorter video segments to allow time for participants to process what they have heard, pray, and share with one another.

If interested in hosting a workshop, please complete the workshop request form.

Embrace Workshops can be taught in congregational, district, conference, or other organizational settings. They are designed for both laity and clergy.

If interested in hosting a workshop, please complete the workshop request form.

Yes! The Hybrid Workshop contains all the components of the digital workshop plus three 1-hour sessions with the author. These conversations include a short introductory teaching time, with the bulk of the session devoted to questions and dialogue.

If interested in hosting a workshop, please complete the workshop request form.


Kim Reisman

Kimberly Reisman is Executive Director of World Methodist Evangelism and the author of Embrace. She’s also a pastor, teacher and theologian, focusing her work on evangelism, spiritual formation, leadership development, and the intersection between faith and culture.

Ready to embark on this faith-sharing journey?

Order your study book or schedule your workshop today!