News Archives



Month: July 2016

Kimberly Reisman ~ Why Evangelism and Discipleship Should Never Be Separated

July 13, 2016

So it is with evangelism and discipleship. If we are engaged in both well, they become a seamless movement and we cross the threshold between one and the other without even realizing.

Elizabeth Glass Turner ~ Lisa Yebuah: Race as a Gospel Issue

In a Seedbed Seven Minute Seminary segment called, “Race as a Gospel Issue,” Lisa Yebuah’s story will challenge and encourage you as you live out your baptismal identity.

Linda White ~ My Prayer

July 11, 2016

Father, you have made all in your image…you love all. Help me to love all, even in the midst of such fear, hatred and strife, may I reflect you and your love. May I be a beacon of hope and life in a world spinning out of control with chaos.

Kimberly Reisman ~ What’s Your Story?

Throughout the Methodist and Wesleyan denominations present in the U.S., within our family we have community leaders, law enforcement officers, active military members, nonprofit leaders, and protest organizers and participants. Our roles overlap and connect, find points of connection and unique departure.

Kelcy Steele ~ Prayer, Protest & Protection: The Grace of a Lost Art

July 8, 2016

Much of the time, officers do exactly what they are supposed to do, and for this we can be grateful.
But they are armed. And the weapons they carry can easily kill people. This means that police officers must be trained to be extraordinarily disciplined in their perceptions of situations and people, and extraordinarily restrained in their use of deadly force. Otherwise the power they have to protect the innocent becomes a power to destroy the innocent.

Carolyn Moore ~ Four Principles for a Healthier Short-Term Mission Experience

July 7, 2016

Americans have learned a lot in the last thirty years about what it means to be on mission with Jesus, how short-term experiences can help and hinder, and what is actually useful for building the Kingdom of God on earth. Churches genuinely driven to be both faithful and effective are changing the ways they do short-term international and even long-term local missions.

Maxie Dunnam ~ Limited Expertise and Unlimited Prayer

July 6, 2016

“You can read all you want on prayer and still not pray…”

Snapshot: Caribbean Evangelism

The unique history of the West Indies give a particular context to living out Christian faith and mission.

Christianity Vectors by Vecteezy

American Freedom or Christian Freedom?

July 4, 2016

For Christians, all causes must be submitted to Christ, viewed through Christ, sanctified to be Christlike. I cannot love my cause more than my Christ. I cannot define myself more by my cause than my Christ. I cannot give more for my cause than I give my Christ.

The (Secret) Great Commission

What would it look like to follow the Great Commission without freedom?

As those of us in the United States celebrate Independence Day today, it may be difficult to imagine that. How would we “go and make disciples” if our government made it illegal?

Would we disobey? Go in secret?

Those are questions facing our brothers and sisters in the Wesleyan Methodist family in Russia.