News Archives



Month: May 2015

Jennifer Moxley ~ Yes…And: The Grace of Improv

May 11, 2015

To say yes is to listen when another person is hurting or needs to process a current life crisis.

To say and is to add a word of encouragement, consolation, or solidarity. Eventually trust is earned as each person allows themselves to be more and more vulnerable when more of their life is shared and accepted. These real and open conversations are the stuff communities are made of.

Kelcy Steele ~ Pastor, Interrupted: The Journey of Nearly Dying

May 7, 2015

And as they were in conversation, all I could see was the blurriness of death, being detached from this world and reaching the light of the union with the Creator.

Maxie Dunnam ~ What Does the Lord Require of You?

May 6, 2015

I know that issues are more complex than these assertions, but I’m weary of excusing ourselves because the issue is so complex. Education is clearly a justice/mercy issue. That’s the reason why our church in Memphis has made a missional commitment to doing justice in relation to education.

Dominique A. Robinson ~ Preach This, Tweet That: What Black Millenials Are Looking For From the Preacher

May 4, 2015

God is still talking to and through preachers but preachers need to learn how to effectively reach this angry, hopeless, disjointed, technologically-driven generation. We must reconnect Black Millennials to the Black Church by way of preaching to them in a way that speaks directly to them in their language. Preaching at its most effective state is contextual; I would like to offer the term iHomiletic™ as the “new” method of preaching to Black Millennials. In an interdisciplinary way, this method utilizes homiletics, Christian Education tenets, youth ministry, and social media/technology with a primary focus on homiletics.

Cole Bodkin ~ Eating a Meal: Nourishment for Resurrection Life

May 2, 2015

Remember how much we see Jesus eating with people all the time in the Gospels? The simple and uneventful act of eating with people was central to his mission, and it’s not that difficult. That’s what the early church did. They met with one another in their homes, breaking bread, and telling others about Jesus. Likewise, when we invite others to share a meal, this is extremely meaningful cross-culturally. When we eat together, we discover the inherent humanity of all people. We share stories, hopes, fears, and disappointments. People open up to each other. And we can open up to them to share the same things, including telling them about the truly human one…