WME On The Move

One of the joys of leading WME is the opportunity to have a front row seat for the powerful movement of the Holy Spirit around the world. Our God is on the move and we are blessed to be able to join in that work!
As you read this, I am traveling to a women’s conference in Nigeria. 500 women from the Methodist Church Nigeria will be coming from throughout the country for this annual gathering of worship, bible study, fellowship, and learning. The Methodist Wesleyan family is a vibrant witness for Christ in Nigeria and I can’t wait to see what the Spirit will do!
WME is guided by the principle of multiplication – we empower others who go on to make an even bigger impact. One of the exciting things about multiplication is that amazing things happen when we aren’t even present! That’s the case in India.
Last year we were able to provide evangelism training in India. Several young adults attended the seminar and were trained in the Embrace approach to sharing faith. The Holy Spirit moved powerfully during the seminar and these young men were hoping to follow up on their experience by attending WME’s international young adult gathering, Metanoia, later that year.
Unfortunately, they were not able to receive travel visas, but were determined to participate in whatever way they could. During our Metanoia gathering in Costa Rica, Vijay Bannet, Amber Massey, Augustine Frederick, Nikul Masih, and Anosh McLain Charan held prayer vigils from India and connected with us via Facebook Live and other social media.
The Holy Spirit was clearly not finished working. These young men – all of whom are under 25 years old and all lay persons – were so inspired by the concept of Metanoia and the desire to share the gospel that they made plans to launch their own Metanoia in India.
And that is what they did. (See Metanoia India group photo above.)
Pooling their savings and with a small amount of help from their local churches, in October 2018 the first Metanoia-India was launched and reached over 150 young adults with the gospel. In October, a second gathering will take place and they are expecting even more. They have even set the date for a third Metanoia in November 2020. God willing, I will be able to join them.
God’s Holy Spirit is moving across our planet in meaningful and dramatic ways. Young people are coming to Christ and praise God they are not waiting for permission from others – just the leading of the Spirit – to move forward in faith that the world might know Jesus Christ![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]