News Archives



Month: March 2018

Carolyn Moore ~ When Jesus Gets Angry

March 15, 2018

Some versions say Jesus was filled with compassion for the leper who came to him for healing. My version and a few other versions say Jesus was indignant. By my experience, there is a pretty wide gap between indignant and compassionate, so which is it?

Jeff Rudy ~ Bucking the System

March 14, 2018

Why didn’t Jesus take up the sword? Why isn’t that the means by which to overcome evil? Walter Wink says something quite remarkable about Jesus’ point here: “Violent revolution fails because it is not revolutionary enough. It changes the rulers but not the rules, the ends but not the means.”

Faith Parry ~ Dying Well

March 12, 2018

The early Methodists were known as people who died well. They had grace and assurance of God’s love and forgiveness for them, so they did not fear death. Furthermore, Wesley made it a point to share the stories of those who died and went on to glory.

Matt LeRoy ~ Radical Disciple Making

March 10, 2018

Ecclesia means “called out ones.” This is who the church is meant to be.

Tammie Grimm ~ Why Pilgrimage is Part of Discipleship: Discovering Lindisfarne

March 8, 2018

Walking over the grassy hillocks and along the rocky shoreline to which these men brought Christianity to England, I discovered spiritual roots that allowed me to draw deeply from the wellspring that feeds the soul of every Christian.

Elizabeth Glass Turner ~ The Persecutor

March 7, 2018

No one is beyond being confronted with the blinding light of Christ, in this world or the next.

Elizabeth Glass Turner ~ The Problem with Praying for Open Doors

March 5, 2018

If the Apostle Paul had perceived all his challenges as God closing a door, he wouldn’t have undertaken most of his missionary journeys.

March 2018 Update

March 1, 2018

Devotional ~ Refresh During Lent The long days of Lent can try our self-discipline, stir our irritation, and draw us…

Matt Sigler ~ Lent with a Wesleyan Accent

A celebration of Easter without a prior descent into the grave is dishonest and naïve, just as observing Lent without the uncompromising proclamation of the Resurrection is hopeless.