News Archives



Month: July 2017

Cole Bodkin ~ The Better Place: Part III

July 6, 2017

Without a doubt, the church should be concerned about the dignity of all people, but the church should be different in that it is the place primarily where justice and dignity are displayed.

Following God Beyond Common Sense

July 5, 2017

As we seek to follow in the Jesus way, we need to recognize that more often than not, rather than being rooted in common sense, the Jesus way defies common sense.

Philip Tallon ~ Two (More) Ways to Integrate the Arts into the Church’s Mission

A ministry that sees the arts as intrinsic, rather than instrumental, will already be two steps ahead in fruitfully integrating the arts in ministry.

Paolo Lopes ~ Taking Discipleship Personally

July 3, 2017

You see, we must realize that organizations, and in this case the body of Christ, can only reflect the sum of the people who are part of them.

Little Pentecosts

The disciples were transformed into messengers by the presence of Jesus in real time, through the power of the Holy Spirit.