News Archives



Month: January 2015

Talbot Davis ~ Hidden Heroes: The What Can Brown Do For You? Hero

January 10, 2015

God’s word is better delivered in obscurity than by celebrity. The greatest impact usually happens when no one notices.

Elizabeth Glass Turner ~ Are American Clergy Suffering a Crisis of Faith?

January 8, 2015

It’s a mistake to criticize questioning by and in itself. An unexamined life is not worth living, and an unexamined faith will last about as long as Farrah Fawcett hair, Hammer pants, beanie babies, MySpace, “Gangnam Style” and every other grass that withers and flower that doth fade away.

Maxie Dunnam ~ Confession

January 7, 2015

Beginning at the point of our believing that it is God’s desire to forgive, confession becomes not a morbid discipline, not a dark groveling in the mud and mire of life, not a fearful response to a wrathful, angry God who is out to get us if we don’t shape up. Rather, confession becomes an act of anticipation, a response to the unconditional call of God’s love…

Michael Smith ~ The Scent of a New Year

January 5, 2015

New is unknown, and often we are afraid of the “what if” questions in our lives. But new is happening every day.

Carolyn Moore ~ Go Tell It on the Mountain

January 3, 2015

The rules are not the relationship under this new covenant. But deeper, much deeper, is the revelation that all people matter to God.

Michelle Bauer ~ The Promise of Silence

January 1, 2015

When we refuse to be silent we are saying that we have nothing left to learn or that God has nothing left to say to us.