Praying for Our Pastors

Recently it was a joy to gather at World Methodist Evangelism’s annual invitational faith-sharing conference for North American clergy. Pastors and their spouses arrive from all across the country, representing a variety of Wesleyan Methodist denominations.
Order of the Flame is a special event every year, utterly unique. Pastors and spouses attend everything together; clergy from the AME Zion church and the United Methodist Church, Church of the Nazarene and The Wesleyan Church all mingle together to learn, laugh, and build relationships. Returning members from prior years sit next to new members who arrive exhausted and worn in their spirits. They leave with a new lease on life and fresh conviction about why they got into ministry in the first place.
Our growing Order of the Flame community includes many clergymembers, and we ask that you will join us in praying particularly for our Order of the Flame members. These pastors and their spouses have spent several rigorous days being equipped with faith-sharing resources, building relationships, and having their spirits renewed.
If you’re part of our community of John Wesley’s pattern of prayer and fasting, we ask that you include in your prayers the pastors who have come through Order of the Flame over the years, including our new 2017 members. In particular, pray that the Holy Spirit will apply the resources they’ve been given to their local ministry contexts. Pray for their spouses and families. Pray for the new relationships of support and encouragement that have begun. And pray for their congregations to be awake to the movement of God.
Every year we welcome a special bunch, and this year is no different. We celebrate the ministries of these pastors and pray that they share their faith in beautiful ways.