The Well
By World Methodist Evangelism
A society of believers commited to making disciples by sharing the living water of God’s love and grace to the world.
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As secularism and pluralism continue to rise around the world, it is more important than ever that Christians be empowered and strengthened to live out their faith and share the good news of the life-saving water offered by Jesus. When you make a monthly commitment to The Well, you join a community of fellow believers who help share this powerful symbol of spiritual nourishment and renewal with the world.
“If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.” The invigation to know Jesus is open to everyone. If you have a need, you are invited to drink. Our soul has something similar to physical thirst. When we go without water our body gets thirsty. And the soul, when it goes without God, gets thirsty. Jesus satisfies the soul forever.
The Well – Living Water- is a call to a life filled with love, service, and deep connection with God. By accepting Jesus, the living water, we not only receive spiritual nourishment but we also are empowered and become channels of God’s love and grace, called to share this living water with the world.
Everyone should have the opportunity to know Jesus. The story in John 4 teaches us that the message of Christ is to be shared with all, regardless of your gender, your ethnicity, or your address. As we connect with those around us, living out our faith, we show and share the love of Christ and draw others toward the spiritual nourishment that comes from accepting Jesus Christ and his teachings.
Join The Well
Join The Well, a transformative monthly giving program dedicated to providing essential resources and training for growth and outreach efforts to spread the Gospel. Just as a well nourishes a community with life-giving water, your monthly contribution to The Well ensures that the work of World Methodist Evangelism continues to thrive – spreading hope, love, and compassion to communities worldwide so they may know Jesus.